Tessica Brown says she does not plan to process gorilla glue

Illustration for the article entitled Tessica Brown says she has made no plans to process gorilla glue ... But Summa Yall still doesn't hate it anyway

Print Screen: Tessica Brown / TikTok

It’s been a long and wild journey for Tessica “Gorilla Glue Girl” Brown since she posted a video of Tik Tok earlier this month explaining that she had finished the Got2B Glued Blasting Freeze Spray to straighten her hair and used the Gorilla Glue spray.

First it was funny AF, then it became a tragedy story once we learn of the extensive and possibly permanent damage she had done to her hair and scalp and it would be hell to remove the glue. After that, anyone with a minimum of empathy stopped laughing (for the most part) and began to express appropriate concern for the well-being of the 40-year-old.

Fortunately, a black plastic surgeon, Dr. Michael Obeng, came to the rescue and offered to undo the glue for free, and eventually Brown got rid of his sticky situation.

While all of this was happening, social media did what social media does: literally turn everything in a bigcontroversial butt.

Soon, rumors started circulating on the web that Brown planned to sue Gorilla Glue over his unfortunate accident – probably due to a TMZ Article that suggested so much. Well, according to Brown, she “never said that” that she planned to sue.

“I don’t understand where all the other stuff comes from,” said Brown in a interview with ET. “No. I never said that. Again, I don’t know where all of this is coming from, because right now everyone is saying that.”

Of course, several media outlets ran the rumor and even published articles analyzing whether Brown is or notthe existing action had no merit.

Here’s the thing: if you’ve been paying attention to Brown’s saga on social media, you know that while many people (especially black women) have expressed empathy for Brown’s situation and are celebrating the triumphant conclusion to his disaster, she is also getting a lot hatred – something she talked about at length in her ET interview.

I don’t understand why anyone (especially any black) would be mad at Brown for turning lemons into lemonade.

Brown recently achieved a full-time ageand started promoting his own brand of “Bonded for Life”Merchandise – and for whatever reason, many people are too crazy.

I couldn’t count the times I personally read the comment, “she shouldn’t be rewarded for her stupidity” – which is a stupid comment to make because she’s not being rewarded for pasting her fucking hair, she is being rewarded for owning the ingenuity to turn your misfortune into a bag. You cannot be angry at her “stupidity”, so also be angry that she is smart enough to turn your situation into something positive.

Then there’s her GoFundMe page that she launched with an initial target of $ 1,500 to help her pay expenses related to what she called “this unfortunate ordeal”. On Monday, that page received more than $ 23,000 in donations. According Insider, she plans to donate at least $ 20,000 of these funds to the Restore Foundation, a nonprofit founded by Dr. Obeng. TThe foundation was started “with the aim of providing reconstructive surgery to people in developing countries”, reports Insider.

So yes, maybe it’s time to let this woman live. She’s fine now and I’m here for that.
