Terrifying video captures killing Russian dancer Natalia Pronina

video russian dancer Natalia Pronina


Natalia Pronina.

A Russian dancer was shot dead in front of her Moscow apartment, in what the police are calling “murder on demand”, also known as murder.

Natalia Pronina, 30, was shot twice in the chest by a masked suspect while entering her building near Akademicheskaya train station, the New York Post reported, citing the East2West News. The dancer, who won numerous international dance contests, was returning from a choreography session, the channel reported.

Surveillance footage of the incident obtained by The Daily Mail shows Pronina’s final moments when the killer, wearing a sweatshirt and glasses, approaches her from behind and shoots her closely. According to East2West News, the suspect implanted a “non-lethal self-defense weapon that was redesigned to fire real bullets in the attack,” said the New York Post.

The suspect is then seen fleeing the scene, shows the video from The Daily Mail.

You can watch chilling images below:

Pronina was taken to a nearby hospital, where she died after emergency surgery, the Daily Mail continued.

Police have not yet revealed a suspect or motive behind the murder, the media said.

Here’s what you need to know:

Pronina was said to be having an affair with a ‘rich politician’, according to the New York Post

The New York Post reported that Pronina, a former nightclub performer, was “having an affair with a wealthy politician”. The “theory being investigated” is that the MP’s wife “discovered the secret relationship,” the vehicle continued.

However, one of Pronina’s friends told the tabloid Komsomolskaya Pravda that the much-loved dancer, indicating that a potential motive behind the murder may have stemmed from “jealousy,” said The New York Post.

“She had no enemies, I can say with absolute certainty,” said her friend Valeria to the newspaper, according to The New York Post. “Only one of his admirers could be behind this because of jealousy.”

Another dance colleague, Anzhelika, echoed Valeria’s feelings, continued The New York Post.

“Natasha not only danced beautifully, she is really beautiful,” she expressed to Komsomolskaya Pravda, according to The New York Post. “Men have always been attached to her and it is possible that one of the rejected fans killed her.”

Pronina’s boyfriend denies involvement in the murder, according to The Sun

Pronina’s 33-year-old boyfriend Alexander Kravchenko denies any involvement in the murder of his girlfriend, according to The Sun.

He told the outlet that he was working in Yalta, a tourist town on the southern coast of the Crimean Peninsula surrounded by the Black Sea at the time of the crime.

The Sun reported that Kravchenko said that Pronina “had a stalker and separately that she owed £ 6,000 – about $ 8,000 – that she had to pay”.

Pronina was a ‘master of the sport’ in ballroom dancing and performed with her team at parties

Pronina was a “master of the sport” in ballroom dancing, according to The Sun. She also formed her own dance team to perform at clubs and parties, including striptease, the outlet continued.

Anzhelika described Pronina as ambitious and “not the type who dreams of a white dress and lots of children,” reported The Sun.

“Her job was her life,” said her friend, according to the vehicle. “She was earning well, she could pay a lot.” Anzhelika added that Pronina visited Milan four times last year, “where she also had fans”.

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