Tensions increase between House Republicans and the Capitol Police over metal detectors

Tensions erupted on Tuesday night between a handful of House Republicans and the Capitol Police over new metal detectors that were placed outside the House chamber after the attack on the Capitol.

Lawmakers were heard by reporters complaining about the detectors and criticizing Democrats as they tried to enter the House to vote, saying they were not consulted by the Democratic leadership on the decision to install the devices.

“You are taking valuable resources completely from where they should be, and you did it without any consultation with the minority,” Rep. Rodney DavisRodney Lee DavisGOP lawmakers told Trump that he takes some responsibility for the Capitol riot The Hill’s Morning Report – A dark day when Trump embraces ‘special’ protesters McMorris Rodgers leaves the speaker chair unoccupied because of the Democrat’s in-person vote after the diagnosis of COVID MORE (R-Ill.) He shouted at the majority leader in the House Steny HoyerSteny Hamilton HoyerManchin: ‘Reckless’ House impeachment plan FBI seeks help to identify Capitol rebels who carried Confederation flag Republicans measure support for Trump impeachment MORE (D-Md.) Before calling the detectors “bullshit”.

“You are creating a problem that you don’t understand the ramifications of,” Rep. Steve WomackStephen (Steve) Allen WomackHouse Republicans who did not sign the Texas lawsuit that Jason Smith will set to serve as chief Republican on the House Budget Committee On The Money: Trump bets on new stimulus strategy | Trump cannot block grand jury subpoenas for tax returns, court rules | Long-term unemployment numbers rise, underscoring economic pain MORE (R-Ark.) He yelled at the police who commanded the detectors, shouting for them to “come back” and “don’t touch me”.

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.), Who touted her desire to carry her Glock pistol on Capitol Hill, was also seen by a reporter firing a detector and refusing to hand over her bag to the police for inspection.

Although it was not immediately clear what the confrontation with officers was about, Boebert later tweeted: “I am legally authorized to carry my firearm in Washington, DC and inside the Capitol complex” and that the detectors are “only yet another political maneuver by the president [Nancy] Pelosi. “

Republican criticism marked the latest source of tension in a Capitol that has already been shaken by last week’s deadly riots and this week’s impeachment proceedings in the House, which are starting Tuesday night.

Metal detectors were installed on Tuesday to examine everyone – including lawmakers – before entering the Chamber of Deputies. The devices are the latest defense system to be installed after last week’s violent mob invaded the Capitol, crushing the police and killing at least one police officer.

“To ensure compliance with Capitol Police Council regulations regarding firearms and incendiary devices, as well as to provide a safe and secure environment for conducting legislative business, with immediate effect, all persons, including members, are thanks [to] go through security screening when entering the Chamber, ”wrote Sergeant-at-Arms Timothy Blodgett in a warning.

Metal detectors are installed at selected entrances to the chamber, according to Blodgett, who added that “failure to complete screening or transportation of prohibited items can result in denial of access to the Chamber.”

Republicans considered the move unnecessary on Tuesday and claimed they were left out of the decision to install the detectors.

“They are impeding members’ ability to come and vote,” said House Minority Whip Steve ScaliseStephen (Steve) Joseph ScaliseWave from companies cut donations – many of them to GOP GOP lawmakers express frustration at the leadership’s response to Trump’s unrest READ: Republicans who voted to challenge election results MORE (R-La.), Adding that there were detectors at several other points in the Capitol complex. “They were designed strictly to prevent members from participating and voting. This is our job. This has never been discussed by anyone, you don’t make a big change like that. “

“In order for members of Congress to enter the United States House plenary, we now have to go through intense security measures, in addition to the security that we already have. These new clauses include searches and attacks as criminals. Now we live in Pelosi’s communist America! ”Added Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-Ariz.).

Deputy Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), A conservative arsonist who runs House Freedom Caucus, said the detectors were “crap” and “the stupidest thing” when he found them.

Rep. Larry BucshonLarry Dean BucshonHouse Republicans who did not sign the Texas lawsuit The vaccine development process is safe, claims to the contrary are unfounded Congress must protect patients with kidney disease during the COVID-19 pandemic MORE (R-Ind.) He urged House Republicans to “formally protest” and said that “forcing the Capitol Police not to allow members to enter the House floor without a” security “checkpoint is unconstitutional.”

Ultimately, about 10 lawmakers were seen bypassing the detectors and entering the chamber, raising questions about the effectiveness of the devices, mainly due to the hesitation of police officers to restrain members of the Chamber.

Capitol Police did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Hill on the complaints.

The GOP complaining about the detectors comes as the Capitol Police and House and Senate arms sergeants seek to increase security around the Capitol in preparation for the inauguration of the elected president next week. Joe BidenJoe BidenCapitol police confirm an investigation into the behavior of some officers during the riot. Republican Party lawmakers have told Trump that he takes some responsibility for the disputes between the Chief of Staff of the Capitol Army Chief of the Capitol Police account of the National Guard detachment MORE.

The police authorities seemed terribly unprepared for last week’s crowd and were inundated with bipartisan criticism since the lethal riot. Since then, a 2.10 meter “non-scalable fence” has been erected along the perimeter of the Capitol, and the Pentagon has authorized the National Guard to send up to 15,000 Guard members for support on Induction Day.

Juliegrace Brufke and Scott Wong contributed to this report.
