Taya Valkyrie reportedly signs with WWE

Former Impact Knockouts and reigning AAA reigning champion Taya Valkyrie reportedly signed with WWE via PWInsider. The website reports that it should be announced along with the next Performance Center class and will start with NXT shortly thereafter.

Valkyrie was dropped from Impact last month when she was revealed as the culprit in her “Who shot John E. Bravo?” angle. Rumors arose about the interest of WWE and AEW. It is said that she could follow her husband John Morrison to WWE since the beginning of last year, and it seems that it finally happened.

A former dancer who transitioned to fitness and modeling competitions, Taya trained for her wrestling career with Lance Storm. She worked mainly in Mexico for AAA before making it to the American scene with Lucha Underground. She joined Impact in 2017 and holds the record for the longest Knockouts reign in the company’s 377-day history.

Triple H said recently that the next class of CP will include its largest group of women signers; Valkryie and the AQA trained in Booker T are the only two names that have been specifically reported.

What do you think of Taya joining the NXT list of women?
