Tanden highlights his reliance on food stamps, public assistance during confirmation comments

“At school, I remember being the only child in the cafeteria line who used ten-cent vouchers from the Free Lunch Program,” she will testify. “In just a few years, my mother found a job, and a few years later she was earning a middle class salary. Soon, she was able to buy a house and eventually see her children go to college and beyond. I spend every day of my life grateful for a nation and a government that trusted my mother and me – who invested in our humanity and gave me a fair chance to pursue my potential. “

Republican criticism: Although Tanden must face an easier path for confirmation now that Democrats have a narrow Senate majority, she will almost certainly face tough questions from Republicans about her role as a party advocate with a public record of criticizing the Republican Party on social media. . Now president and CEO of the Center for American Progress, Tanden will recognize the distinction between his job as head of the liberal think tank and the position that Biden has appointed her to fill as one of the country’s top civil servants.

“In recent years, it has been part of my role to be a passionate defender. I understand, however, that the role of the Director of OMB requires bipartisan action, as well as non-partisan adherence to facts and evidence, “she will say.” I would vigorously reinforce my firm belief that our government should serve all Americans – regardless of party – in every corner of the country. “

Democrats are likely to pepper Tanden with questions about transparency at the agency after four years of budgetary actions by the Trump administration that have often broken precedents and proved legally dubious, while Democratic demands for information have often not been answered.

Support to interested parties: Democrats should also highlight the outside groups that advocate Tanden’s confirmation. An adviser to the committee noted that Tanden received “broad support from stakeholders, including the United States Chamber of Commerce, because they believe she is well qualified to help families, small businesses, the elderly and other Americans.”

In a statement to the committee prior to the confirmation hearing, the Chamber’s main contact with Congress said the group supports its confirmation and that “although we do not always agree with Mrs. Tanden, we anticipate that she will have an open door and a open mind as a Director. ”

“Em. Tanden is well qualified to lead the OMB and brings an established track record of engagement with the business community,” wrote Jack Howard on behalf of the country’s largest lobbying group. “Em. Tanden proved to be a frequent partner and collaborator, especially in international trade matters. Her willingness to consider different perspectives will be important as she shapes the budget and policy proposals for the Biden administration.

What is the next: Tanden will also appear on the Budget Committee on Wednesday morning. Both panels must approve your nomination before Senate leaders can schedule a plenary vote.

If confirmed as director of OMB, Tanden will play a central role in the Biden government’s fiscal and regulatory response to the country’s economic and health crises.
