Tampa streets packed with unmasked football fans before the Super Bowl

The Super Bowl LV could become an over-disseminating event of the coronavirus pandemic in Tampa, Florida. The city that hosts the big game faces busy streets, crowded bars and little attention to security measures. Photos and videos that emerge from the scene paint a frightening picture of the upcoming public health crisis.

The Tampa Bay Times posted a one-minute video of a busy street in Ybor City on Saturday night, where few people in the crowd wore masks. None seemed to be observing the social distance guidelines, as the streets were packed shoulder to shoulder – presumably with football fans anticipating the big game on Sunday. According to the vehicle, these crowds are bigger and noisier than those that swarmed the streets at the turn and the chances of COVID-19 spreading among revelers are great.

Tampa city officials tried to impose security measures against the coronavirus this weekend, but with little success. Mayor Jane Castor ordered people to wear masks in some public spaces, targeting those she expected to receive a lot of pedestrian traffic this weekend. The crowds seem to be ignoring this rule, and the police in videos posted so far have done nothing to intervene.

The times’ Luis Santana estimated that the crowds on the streets this weekend reached tens of thousands, and that doesn’t even account for the risky activities that happen inside the home. According to an ABC News report, local bars and venues disregarded occupancy restrictions, mask rules and dancefloor bans this weekend. Artists like DJ Steve Aoki, Migos and Diplo participated in the festivities without a mask.

“You have locations that are operating at 100 percent capacity, filling their seats,” said The Crowbar owner in Ybor City, Tom DeGeorge. “You don’t have to be a space scientist to see a two-block line and know that there will be [be] a dance floor inside. Turn them off. “

So far, police and city officials have refused to comment on these alleged violations of the coronavirus policy, even when photos and videos are appearing on social media. The Tampa Police Department issued a general statement about the phenomenon, saying, “The scenes from Ybor last night and from a few other clubs were incredibly disappointing. The city spent most of the year instructing residents on precautions due to the pandemic and recently placed a mask order for the entertainment and event zones to ensure the safety of our residents and visitors to our big city. “
