Tamar Rosenthal, 39 years old, OBM

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Tamar Rosenthal, a beloved mother from Melbourne, Australia, who courageously battled an illness and inspired many around the world with her strength and positivity, died on Erev Shabbat. Full story

Tamar Rosenthal, a beloved mother from Melbourne, Australia, passed away on Erev Shabbat, 28 Adar, 5781.

She was 39 years old and fought a terrible disease.

Tamar was one of the co-chairs of Nshei Ubnos Chabad in Melbourne and was dedicated to the Rebbe’s mivtzoim and efforts to bring the final Geulah. People around the world have been praising her for the past few months, and her positivity and encouragement have meant that thousands of neshek have been given and hundreds of Tefillin placed on her merit.

She left her children, Yehuda Ber, Yudis and Tzvi Dovid.

Tamar also left his mother, Faye Pearl and her father, Gerry Grokop, both in Melbourne and her brother, Lenny Grokop, In San Francisco.

The family created an email for family and friends to share their memories and legacy of Tamar.

Please share your condolences and memories at: mailto:[email protected]

Baruch Dayan Ha’emes
