Talk-Radio Network orders hosts to curb electoral fraud rhetoric or facial termination

Radio giant Cumulus Media, which employs many of the biggest right-wing radio presenters in America, has warned their personalities on the air that they must immediately stop selling unsubstantiated claims that the election has been stolen from President Donald Trump or else they will be blown off the air .

“We need to help induce national calm NOW,” wrote Cumulus executive vice president of content, Brian Philips, in an internal memo that was first reported by Inside Music Media. Philips added that the company “will not tolerate any suggestion that the election is not over. The election has been resolved and there are no acceptable alternative ‘paths’. “

The memo was first distributed on Wednesday, the same day that Trump urged a MAGA crowd to violently invade the U.S. Capitol in an effort to prevent Congress from certifying electoral victory for President-elect Joe Biden. Before the memo, Cumulus remained silent while his main hosts – namely Mark Levin and Dan Bongino, who are also collaborators with Fox News – released conspiracies and lies that Trump was the victim of widespread electoral fraud.

In fact, the day before the Capitol riots, Levin put on his show to smoke that Congress’ routine certification of Biden’s electoral votes was “tyranny”, while shouting that the “creators of the Constitution” would not have allowed it.

Read on The Washington Post
