Surviving Mars and Metro 2033 are currently free on PC

epic games store surviving mars

Print Screen: Paradox Interactive

Each week, the Epic Games Store offers a free game, which you can add to your library without strings attached. This week’s offer is Surviving Mars, the city-building game about space travel about … survival on Mars. It will be available until March 18th.

Surviving Mars, if you haven’t played yet, it’s more or less exactly what you imagine when you think Cities: Skylines Goes To Space. Its goal is to create a sustainable human outpost on Mars. You do this by obtaining resources (metal, concrete, etc.) to build life support structures (food, water, oxygen, energy) to support domes of various sizes that can support human life. If you liked Cities, you will like Surviving Mars, also. (Both games are published by Paradox Interactive.)

different Cities, Although, Surviving Mars put an additional focus on people, rather than structures. You can select the manifest for each rocket you send from Earth to Mars. Each person you can choose is randomly generated, down to their traits and vocations. Want a bunch of alcoholic botanists who love to play video games? Or how about some hypochondriac party animals that work out 25 hours a day? In your version of Mars, anything is possible.

At its core, Surviving Mars understands that good urban planning does not just involve roads, buildings and budget cuts. It’s about people. Funny that you have to go to space to learn this lesson.

Killer songs too.

In other “games you can get for free”, news, Metro 2033 is currently available at a 100 percent discount at the other PC showcase, which is named after a 19th century power source. It will remain in this price range until March 15.

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