‘Superman’ restarts at Warner Bros. with writing by Ta-Nehisi Coates, produced by JJ Abrams – Deadline

The deadline confirmed that the author Ta-Nehisi Coates is writing a Superman restart feature for Warner Bros and DC, which JJ Abrams is producing under his Bad Robot label.

Hannah Minghella will be the producer. No plot yet and no attachments, despite the fact that we hear how Henry Cavill is looking forward to getting back to the cable.

Coates participates in a drama directed by Ryan Coogler entitled Wrong answer about a math teacher in Atlanta who is scandalized when he seeks funding for his school by changing his students’ test scores. Michael Jordan is connected to Wrong answer.

As a national correspondent for The Atlantic, Coates covered cultural, social and political issues, specifically that of African Americans and white supremacy. He wrote to The Village Voice, TIME and has contributed to the New York Times Magazine, Washington Post and more. His nonfiction books include The beautiful fight, Between the world and me, and We were in power for eight years: an American tragedy. Between the world and me won the 2015 National Nonfiction Book Award. Noteworthy, Coates wrote a Black Panther it is a captain America series for Marvel Comics. Coates received a special thanks in Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame and Black Panther.

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Abrams has a big half billion deal at WarnerMedia, which closed in September 2019.

As we first said in January 2020, Bad Robot and Warner are developing the dark Justice League universe for films and TV. Justice League Dark (or JLD team) first appeared in the September 2011 issue of Justice League Dark # 1 featuring superheroes, mostly occultists and eccentrics, like John Constantine, the mystic and diviner Madame Xanadu, Deadman, Shade, the Changing Man, and Zatanna. The list is much longer, and members joined later, with Swamp Thing being added in issue 19. Given their powers, they typically dealt with situations outside the scope of the traditional Justice League, which includes Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman, Aquaman and Flash. Shadow and Act had news from Coates.
