‘Supergonorrhea’ may increase after COVID-19 – here’s why

Excessive use of antibiotics can induce an increase in "super gonorrhea" cases.  (Photo: Getty Creative Image Bank)
Excessive use of antibiotics can induce an increase in cases of “supergonorrhea”. (Photo: Getty Creative stock photo)

The World Health Organization (WHO) is warning about the potential increase in antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea – also known as “supergonorrhea” – due to the overuse of antibiotics during the COVID-19 pandemic. The news, delivered to the British newspaper Sun through a WHO spokesperson, has raised both concern and humor on social media on Monday.

Specifically, the spokesman mentioned a frequently prescribed antibiotic known as azithromycin and said that, in general, “overuse of antibiotics in the community can fuel the emergence of antimicrobial resistance in [gonorrhea]. “But what is supergonorrhea and is it something to worry about in the USA? Here’s what you need to know.

It is a type of gonorrhea proven to be resistant to the drugs used to treat it

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease that affects more than 1 million Americans each year. Supergonorrhea refers to STD strains that do not respond to common antibiotics. The first cases of supergonorrhea appeared in Japan in 2011, but antibiotic-resistant strains have spread to many countries, including the United States. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) hosts an information page on supergonorrhea saying that it “has rapidly developed resistance to everyone except one class of antibiotics” and that up to half of new gonorrhea infections are resistant to at least an antibiotic.

Dr. Bruce Y. Lee, professor at CUNY School of Public Health and Health Policy, predicted the arrival of supergonorrhea in the U.S. in a 2018 opinion piece for Forbes, after the first case in the United Kingdom. Speaking with Yahoo Life, Lee said that supergonorrhea is one of many “super bugs”, or strains of bacteria that become resistant to the drugs used to treat them. “In 2017, WHO published a list of bad superbugs and drug-resistant gonorrhea was one of them,” says Lee. “So it has always been a concern.”

Azithromycin, a standard treatment for gonorrhea, was frequently prescribed during the pandemic

Lee says the concern about an imminent increase in supergonorrhea stems from the use of a specific antibiotic called azithromycin. A broad-spectrum antibiotic (meaning it is an effective treatment for many conditions), azithromycin was prescribed at the start of the pandemic because of its success with pneumonia. But Lee says its use has increased significantly after some experts suggested that it be used in combination with hydroxychloroquine, an immunosuppressant that doctors have been discouraged from prescribing for patients with COVID-19.

“At the time, people tried all kinds of things – especially anything that might have anti-inflammatory properties,” said Lee. “But basically, scientific studies have found no benefit in adding azithromycin to the standard treatment for patients hospitalized with COVID- 19. ”

Two weeks ago, the CDC changed its guidelines on how to treat gonorrhea

Although no official data has been published showing an increase in supergonorrhea in the U.S., Lee points to a December 18 study published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, which found that cases of azithromycin-resistant gonorrhea increased by more than seven. double in five years.

In the wake of the article, the CDC removed azithromycin as a standard treatment, suggesting that providers give only ceftriaxone – another antibiotic – instead of both. The page now says: “Updated CDC recommendations for the treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhea in adolescents and adults: the two-drug approach is no longer recommended; treat with just one injection of 500 mg of ceftriaxone ”.

Experts fear that other factors about the pandemic may cause the spread of supergonorrhea

“There is a concern about the overuse of antibiotics, but the other concern is that, as many ‘non-essential’ health services have been closed … people who may be at higher risk for sexually transmitted infections may not be receiving care or taking preventive measures, “says Lee.” They may not be treating [STIs] or trying to get antibiotics they get online or from a friend – and that’s problematic. So this combination is what concerns the World Health Organization. ”

He says that although it is too early to say definitively whether cases are increasing, it is likely. “CDC has made this change [to their recommendations] because they saw, before the pandemic, a steady increase in the percentage of drug-resistant strains, “says Lee.” So, it would be expected to be an ongoing problem. “

The best ways to stay safe include limiting the use of antibiotics and practicing safe sex

Lee notes that the COVID-19 pandemic “has unearthed existing problems” in society and that supergonorrhea is no exception. “It’s not like supergonorrhea is becoming a concern now; it’s been a concern, ”he says. “People see the headline from time to time, but then it goes away … but the problem is still there and it is getting worse and the solution has not come.”

So what can you do to protect yourself? Lee says first to “be careful about using antibiotics” and try to take them only when necessary. “Any type of antibiotic use will generate more resistance,” he says. “A large percentage of the upper respiratory tract is not going to benefit from antibiotics, so don’t use or force them unless you really need them.”

This includes COVID-19. “You can find someone who is telling you that you should take azithromycin, but remember that there is no evidence that it will really help you,” he says.

Finally, he notes that those who believe they may have a sexually transmitted disease should see a doctor (“not try to treat yourself ”) and that everyone should practice safe sex. “Use protection, be careful, practice safe sex, etc.,” he says. “This may seem less of a problem during a pandemic, when people are distancing themselves socially, but we still have to remember, not everyone is following these guidelines.”

To latest coronavirus news and updates, go together on https://news.yahoo.com/coronavirus. According to experts, people over 60 and immunocompromised remain the most at risk. If you have questions, consult the CDC‘sand Who is it resource guides.

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