Super Smash Bros. Fighters reimagined as Marvel & DC Heroes In Art

All 85 fighters from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate are being reinvented as DC and Marvel superheroes by an artist on Twitter, and they look incredible.

A talented artist took on the responsibility to recreate each Super Smash Bros. Ultimate fighter as one of A.D or Marvel’s iconic superheroes in a project called Super Smash Heroes. The artist plans to reimagine all 85 fighters, including shadow fighters, as pre-existing superheroes from two of the most expansive superhero universes.

Together, DC and Marvel have 17,000 unique characters to choose from, while the list of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate fighters is a measly 85 in comparison. Yet, Smash Bros.‘list includes some of the biggest names in the history of video games from different game universes. Marvel and DC rarely intersect with other franchises, while Super Smash Bros. it is built on the most ambitious crossovers imaginable.

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An artist on Twitter with the name eternal flame continued the tradition of ambitious crossovers by carrying out a major art project. The project is titled Super Smash Heroes, and he sees the eternalflamebry reimagining each Smash fighter as an iconic superhero. Two fighters will be posted every Monday and Saturday, assuming the personality of a DC or Marvel hero. The project started on January 11 with Mario as Superman and Donkey Kong as The Incredible Hulk. Since then, eternalflamebry has produced several heroes in its own style, including Link as Green Arrow, Samus as Iron Man, Dark Samus as Venom and Yoshi as Plastic Man.

Eternalflamebry will send the new designs in order of their fighter number on the official Smash Bros. website. In addition, the artist also pre-determined which fighters will represent each franchise (DC, Marvel) by the number of fighters. Odd-number fighters will be reinvented as DC heroes, while even-number fighters will take on the appearance of Marvel heroes. So, while Zero Suit Samus may be a murderous black widow, she will have to find a more suitable character to play within the DC universe.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate character reveals may be few and far between, but the eternal flame is giving Smash fans a different kind of revelation to expect twice a week. Not to mention that the designs and the character combination are incredible. Yoshi as Plastic Man may not make sense at first, but seeing the two characters combined makes a lot of sense. The only downside to these designs is that they are not in the real game, because they definitely need to be.

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Source: eternal flame

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