Super Nintendo World will finally be released in Japan on March 18

Illustration for the article entitled Super Nintendo World will finally be released in Japan on March 18

Image: USJ / Nintendo

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After repeated delays, Super Nintendo World will open on March 18 at Universal Studios Japan in Osaka.

The park was originally scheduled to open in the summer of 2020, but following last year’s state of emergency, that was pushed back. So, it was scheduled to open last month, on February 4th. However, because of the state of emergency declared in Osaka due to covid-19, has been postponed again.

About that, there was a report that Florida’s Super Nintendo World will be postponed to 2025.

A preview was held in Osaka last november, showing visitors what to expect. In February, a guy went out at the Super Nintendo World races and filmed them. The park looks amazing, but quite small.
