Several years later than planned, the sequel to the 2010 hit, Super Meat Boy, has arrived. Super Meat Boy Forever is his name, and a more deadly difficult platform game – albeit this time with a touch of automatic execution.
Your soft heroes will be handling the race on their own, while you focus on jumping, running, punching and trying not to get stung by the round saws. I will have to see how it works in reality, but Meat Boy co-creator Tommy Refenes talked to us earlier about wanting two-button controls to make the game accessible, but certainly not making it easy.
“You don’t have to do five controls to get out of the way and you don’t have to do the weird back and forth motion to land on a small platform,” he told Katharine in 2019. “We have two buttons that you can map to anything. I feel it reduces the barrier of entry enough that we don’t have to do it easy. We started at Hard, so our base is as difficult as the Super Meat Boy was, and it increases from there. “
Inside a small letter on Twitter, marking the launch today, Refenes said “I couldn’t be more proud of the game we made”.
Team Meat co-founder Edmund McMillen is not part of this, by the way, he has long since split up to do his own thing. Next up is a new Binding Of Isaac expansion based on a huge fan-made mod.
Super Meat Boy Forever is now available on the Epic Games Store for £ 16. It is also on Nintendo Switch now. But yes, not on Steam until 2021.
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