Sullivan says tariffs will not be at the center of negotiations with China

National Security Advisor Jake SullivanJake SullivanSullivan says tariffs will not be at the center of negotiations with China The Hill’s Report 12:30 – Presented by Johns Hopkins University – Biden sets an optimistic tone for the summer The Hill’s Morning Report – Presented by the National Shooting Sports Foundation – Biden: Back to ‘normal’ still means ‘beat the virus’ MORE said on Friday that tariffs and export controls will not be a major issue when the US and China hold their first personal meeting next week.

“This is our effort to clearly communicate to the Chinese government how the United States intends to act at a strategic level, what are our fundamental interests and values ​​and what are our concerns about its activities,” said Sullivan during a news conference. at the White House Friday.

“I don’t expect, for example, the phase one trade deal to be a big topic of conversation next week,” he added.

The State Department announced on Wednesday that next week’s meeting in Anchorage, Alaska, will take place with top Chinese officials. Sullivan and Secretary of State Antony BlinkenAntony BlinkenSullivan says tariffs will not be at the center of negotiations with China. Bill would prevent Biden from withdrawing from Cuba as state sponsor of terrorism State Department appoints official to oversee response to ‘Havana syndrome’ MORE will meet with China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Yang Jiechi, a member of the Politburo.

Asked about the meeting during a hearing by the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Wednesday, Blinken said it was “an important opportunity for us to expose in very frank terms the many concerns we have about Beijing’s actions and behavior. who are challenging the security and prosperity and values ​​of the United States and our allies. ”

The meeting is expected to cover a range of topics, including the coronavirus pandemic, climate change and China’s behavior in Hong Kong. President bidenJoe BidenPentagon is criticized for extending Guard time at the Capitol Booker to try to make the expansion of child tax credit permanent Sullivan says tariffs will not occupy the center of negotiations with China MORE he said he wants to work with Beijing in areas of common interest and will put pressure on China in its human rights record.

While the Trump and Beijing government have fought a tit-for-tat trade war for years, Sullivan’s comments suggest that taxes will be in the background in negotiations with China.

The U.S. and China signed a first-stage trade agreement during the Trump administration that set guidelines for Beijing to increase its purchases of U.S. agricultural products, although it is unclear whether these promises have been kept.

The Biden government said it is reviewing Trump’s trade policies.
