Study requires new research to find Malaysian Airlines flight MH370

The head of the search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 is calling for a new investigation based on new evidence that suggests the wreckage of the Boeing 777 may be at the bottom of the Indian Ocean, according to a report.

Peter Foley, who led the Australian government’s search for the doomed jet, which disappeared on March 8, 2014, with 239 people on board, told The Times of London that he agreed with the new research produced by oceanographers and aviation experts.

The flight, which took off to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, mysteriously reversed the course and flew south until it ran out of fuel.

Working on behalf of Malaysia, Australia failed to locate the aircraft during the largest search in aviation history before ending it in 2017. A second search, led by the American company Ocean Infinity, also came to nothing.

But 33 pieces of debris – confirmed or classified as highly likely to be from the jet – have been found in Mauritius, Madagascar, Tanzania and South Africa, The Times reported.

A woman lights a candle while Chinese relatives of passengers on the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 participate in a religious service at the Metro Park Hotel in Beijing on April 8, 2014.
A woman lights a candle while Chinese relatives of passengers on the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 participate in a religious service at the Metro Park Hotel in Beijing on April 8, 2014.
WANG ZHAO / AFP via Getty Images

In August 2020, part of a wing spoiler was found in South Africa.

On Monday, a report released by an independent group of experts said the damage indicated that he had been blown off the plane on an uncontrolled high-speed dive – contradicting alternative theories that a dishonest pilot abandoned the aircraft, according to the agency.

Operators monitor the TAC stations aboard an RNZAF P3 Orion during the search for the wreckage and debris of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 missing in the southern Indian Ocean on April 4, 2014, near Australia.
Operators monitor the TAC stations aboard an RNZAF P3 Orion during the search for the wreckage and debris of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 missing in the southern Indian Ocean on April 4, 2014, near Australia.
Nick Perry – Pool / Getty Images

Analysis of ocean deviations and a review of a revised flight path released last year found that that MH370 probably crashed about 1,200 miles west of Cape Leeuwin, Western Australia.

Foley, who oversaw a sonar search covering nearly 50,000 square miles of the ocean floor, said a new investigation is expected to inspect the seabed 70 nautical miles from each side of the target area.

A relative of a passenger on board Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 crying at a local hotel where families gathered on March 9, 2014 in Beijing, China.
A relative of a passenger on board Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 crying at a local hotel where families gathered on March 9, 2014 in Beijing.
Feng Li / Getty images

“Large extensions have not been fully searched,” he told The Times.

Blaine Gibson, 63, an American lawyer who has devoted much in recent years to the search for the wreckage, said that the updated modeling of Professor Charitha Pattiaratchi, an oceanographer at the University of Western Australia, made a strong case for a third search.

A relative of a missing passenger on flight MH370 cries outside the main gate of the Lama Temple on March 8, 2015 in Beijing, China.
A relative of a missing passenger on flight MH370 cries outside the main gate of the Lama Temple on March 8, 2015 in Beijing.
Kevin Frayer / Getty Images

Pattiaratchi predicted where the wreckage would be found a year before the first piece was located.

The Malaysian government said it would need convincing new evidence before starting another search.
