Stubbs, the Zombie Remaster, maintains that classic Jank

Illustration for the article titled Stubbs The Zombie Remaster Retains That Classic Jank

Image: Aspyr Media

Zombies have been a big part of video games for a long time. Mostly, we killed them en masse. But in 2005, Stubbs the zombie shook things up and let you take on the role of a zombie devouring people in a futuristic city. This game is back on modern consoles through a remastering that can be very basic for some.

Stubbs the zombie was developed by Wideload Games, a company formed by former Bungie developers who left the areola studio a few years after Microsoft bought it in 2000. This connection with Bungie is how the studio was able to license the areola motor to the game, making it one of the only non-Halo games to use this mechanism. Using this technology, the small team at Wideload created Stubbs, the zombie in rebel without pulse, a bizarre action game about a zombie, Stubbs, who walks around eating brains, creating more zombies, peeing on things and participating in dance battles.

Stubbs wakes up like a zombie in the middle of Punchbowl, a newly built city in the 50s that has big clumsy robots, laser guns and flying cars. Being a newly animated zombie in this metropolis, most of the time is spent doing zombie things, like eating brains and attacking humans. But Stubbs is no ordinary zombie; he has special skills that he can use after eating enough brains. He throws his head like a bowling ball and blows up enemies, making them zombies. He can pluck his arm and players can control his arm like a remote control car. Jump on a human like a hand and you take charge of them, allowing you to use whatever weapons they may have or allowing you to sneak around areas like a human. It is rarely useful, but it is funny.

Illustration for the article titled Stubbs The Zombie Remaster Retains That Classic Jank

Image: Aspyr Media / Kotaku

Most of the game is spent doing the same basic thing. Stubbs enters a new area, kills some humans, builds an army of undead, helps them to spread, kills more humans and eventually fights a boss or ends some bigger goal, like destroying a dam. While there are a few different things scattered throughout the game, like some sections involving vehicles and a part where you pee in the city’s water supply, most of your time is spent using the same attacks to kill humans in various areas or rooms empty. What makes it enjoyable is the scenery and the zombies you create along the way. Guiding an army of zombies into battle against scientists with plasma pistols while singers from the barbershop quartet attack from above is a unique experience that only Stubbs the zombie can offer.

For the remastering, Aspyr Media publisher decided not to change much. This is not a large, sophisticated remake; major improvements and changes include a good frame rate of 60 fps, achievements and modern control options, such as switching inverted handles. This is basically the original game, only playable on new consoles and working a little better. Although I appreciate that players in 2021 will now be able to play easily Stubbs the zombieI also found the lack of improvements disappointing. For example, although I understand not to replace all textures, it is strange and disturbing to see some elements of the HUD in the game using the original art from the 2005 release, which look confusing and pixelated when enlarged on a large screen.

Illustration for the article titled Stubbs The Zombie Remaster Retains That Classic Jank

Image: Aspyr Media / Kotaku

Players may find it difficult to return to Stubbs. Video game design has come a long way since 2005, and many may be frustrated with Stubbs infrequent checkpoints, empty rooms, spongy bosses, lack of clear objectives and repetitive gameplay. Since Stubbs It took me about six hours to finish, these disadvantages did not mean that the game had worn out, which is a good thing. Shorter games are a feature that I’ve been missing since the mid-2000s. Remember when games were short? What time.

Part of me wishes Stubbs the zombie has a complete remake, a more polished and modern adventure like the recent resident Evil remakes. One of the achievements in the game references a sequel, asking fans to demand one, so maybe Asypr’s final plan is to create a little enthusiasm for more Stubbs. For now, if you don’t mind a mid-2000s joke, there’s a lot of fun to be found in the short, but charming Stubbs, the zombie.

Stubbs the zombie comes out on March 16 on Xbox One, PS4, Switch and PC. The game can be played on state-of-the-art consoles via backward compatibility.

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