Stranger Things creators team up with Steven Spielberg to adapt Stephen King’s ‘The Talisman’

Published in 1984 and written by Stephen King and Peter Straubepic fantasy The talisman is one of the few notable stories from King that has not yet been adapted for the small or large screen. despite that Steven Spielberg owning the rights to the book since the 1980s, with several planned adaptations taking different forms over the years.

Well, it may finally be happening, as THR reports today that Spielberg has joined forces with the creators of “Stranger Things” Matt and Ross Duffer adapt the novel for the small screen!

The Duffer Bros. will be executive production alongside Spielberg.

The series will be produced by Netflix, Amblin Television and Paramount Television Studios, with Curtis Gwinn (“Stranger Things”) on board as a writer and showrunner.

At the The talisman, “12-year-old Jack Sawyer is about to begin a fantastic journey, an exalting and terrifying search for the mystical talisman – the only thing that can save Jack’s dying mother. But to achieve his goal, Jack must make his way not only through the United States, but also through the wonderful and menacing parallel world of the Territories.

In the Territories, Jack finds another realm, where the air is so sweet and clear that a man can smell a radish being pulled from the ground a mile away – and a life can be instantly extinguished in the ongoing struggle between good and the evil. Here Jack discovers “Twinners”, reflections of the people he knows on earth – most notably Queen Laura, the Twinner of Jack’s own endangered mother. As Jack “turns” between the worlds, making his way west towards the redeeming talisman, a sequence of heart-stopping encounters challenges him at every step. “
