Stelter: Fox News is more anti-Democratic than pro-Trump

The network, which has long attacked Democrats, has visibly intensified the war of words over Biden since the day of the inauguration.

“These channels are more anti-Democratic than pro-Trump,” said Brian Stelter, CNN’s head of media correspondence, in “Reliable Sources” on Sunday. “Biden’s stroke was increased to 11 … and 12 and 13.”

In addition to calling Biden weak, fragile, senile and radical, conservative media outlets, including Fox News, OAN and Newsmax, cynically argue that the mainstream media has flattered Biden, failing to cover him critically.

“Every hour, every day, this is the narrative,” said Stelter. “And it will be like that for the next four years.”

Conservative media have been spreading lies about the election for months, expanding false information about electoral fraud, telling viewers that the election was rigged and that Biden did not win the presidency by right. Biden, in his inaugural speech, pleaded with these establishments to lower the temperature and tell the viewers the truth: “We must reject the culture where the facts themselves are manipulated – and even manufactured,” he said.

Stelter argued that it is an impossible task.

“Biden can talk about politics without having to be a wildfire,” said Stelter. “But it is. It was yesterday, it is today and it will be tomorrow on these programs that millions of people watch.”

That will not change, said Stuart Stevens, a former strategist for Mitt Romney and current senior advisor to the Lincoln Project on “Trustworthy sources”.

“Fox exists as an organ of the Republican Party,” said Stevens. It is now up to the “responsible people in the Republican Party” to speak the truth, he said.

While news networks such as CNN, MSNBC, ABC and CBS reported on Biden’s inauguration day on Wednesday night, Fox News presenters focused on Hunter Biden’s laptop and mocked the president, calling him “weak “.

That’s why Australian Rupert Murdoch, who owns News Corp – the parent of vehicles like Fox News and the New York Post – is “America’s most dangerous immigrant,” said Stevens.

He said Murdoch is “a classic example of someone who has never assimilated American values”.

Stevens said Fox and similar agencies have created a new identity for the Republican Party: victimization. He called it “a pathetic way of looking at its role in the world and America’s role in the world”.

“When Ronald Reagan was president, being born in America was winning the lottery of life,” he said. “Now, if you’re a Republican, if you’re a Trump voter, being born an American is: you’re a victim, you’re a sucker.”
