Steam Lunar New Year promotion has started and you can access the stickers for free

Sale is until Monday, February 15 at 10:00 am Pacific Time

Just in time, the Steam Lunar New Year sale has started today and is arriving on Monday morning.

I’m going to make some suggestions and, hey, maybe some of them will work. You probably know exactly what you want – that’s what wish lists are for – but if you don’t, here are the games to get you started.

Random tip: if you scroll down the Lunar New Year page to the “Popular” list, there is a tab called “Discount Amount” – it’s a good way to see big discounts quickly if you’re looking for budgets.

What to buy, what to buy … sometimes the answer is “absolutely nothing!” Believe in Ned.

Steam Year of the Boi Stickers

Even if you are thinking about not doing this settlement, you may want to check it out a few times. You can get a free Animated Ox sticker every day on Steam. Just go to the Points Shop and see what you get.

I won the “Boi Red Envelope” today. It’s not my favorite of the pack (I prefer pasta), but cute nonetheless.

Disclosure-bot: If the publisher has forgotten to mention it, we have no control over when business starts and ends. Sometimes business can be over in minutes (please don’t shoot the messenger). Trying offer links even hours after the timestamp of this article can lead to self-service, so you may want to check our video game offers if you’re on the hunt. In addition, it goes without saying, but some shopping links directly support the author. If you have detected any inaccuracies, please let us know as soon as possible.

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