State captains step up security amid new security concerns

State captains across the country increased security on Monday, highlighting National Guard units, SWAT teams and extra police officers, while several legislatures met amid heightened security concerns after last week’s violence at the U.S. Capitol.

The protections came when the FBI issued a bulletin warning of plans for armed protests in all 50 state capitals and Washington, before President-elect Joe Biden took office on January 20.

Washington State Governor Jay Inslee activated hundreds of National Guard troops to help state police maintain order on Capitol Hill. At least two people were arrested, including a man who tried to impersonate authorities when lawmakers were due to start his session and shouted, “I have every right to witness this.”

At the Georgia Capitol, a SWAT team from the state patrol walked around the perimeter wearing uniforms and carrying rifles as lawmakers met for the start of a two-year term. State troops were stationed across the Iowa Capitol on the day of the inauguration, while more than 200 people who opposed the coronavirus mask mandates shouted “freedom” during a peaceful demonstration.

Legislatures met in more than half a dozen states. By the end of the week, three quarters of all state legislatures will open their sessions. Because of concerns about the coronavirus, many state capitals have already adopted procedures to contain the potential of large crowds, including making sure lawmakers meet remotely. These steps have greatly reduced the number of people who are actually working on capitol buildings.

After rebels who supported President Donald Trump invaded the U.S. Capitol last Wednesday, some governors and lawmakers began to increase security because of online threats that suggested more mobs could be targeting state capitals.

In Michigan, a state commission voted on Monday to ban open arms carrying in the Capitol building.

More about Capitol Siege:

In Idaho, the doors of the House and Senate chambers were locked on Monday morning, and two state troops were stationed at each entrance. In recent years, the doors have been kept open while an unarmed parliamentary official controlled access.

During a special session last August, a group that included anti-government activist Ammon Bundy forced his way through oppressed soldiers and filled the gallery at Casa Idaho, despite COVID-19 restrictions that limited the number of people allowed. The group called People’s Rights was founded by Bundy and opposes restrictions. Its leaders were asking members to attend the Capitol on Monday.

Glen Thorne wore a gun in a holster on his right hip on Monday at the Capitol. Having weapons openly in the building is legal. Thorne said he wanted to make sure Republican Governor Brad Little “knows we’re here”.

“We want to end the state of emergency in Idaho. It’s ridiculous. We all want to go back to a normal state of life, ”said Thorne. He did not think the group would cause problems.

“This is Idaho. We are all armed and respectful Republicans, ”said Thorne, who lives in Buhl, Idaho, about a two-hour drive southeast of Boise.

Idaho Republican MP Chad Christensen said he brought a bulletproof vest.

“If I feel that things are going to get more intense, I can put it on,” said Christensen, who also carried a .45 caliber gun on his belt, which is standard procedure for him.

In Georgia, Republican Governor Brian Kemp and other officials approved the construction of a fence around the Capitol last year, after protests for racial injustice. Kemp has kept a group of National Guard soldiers on duty to protect state properties since last summer, when protesters broke windows and set fire to the state’s public security headquarters in Atlanta.

Georgia Mayor David Ralston, another Republican, said he had “full confidence” that the authorities would be “ready to do whatever it takes to protect members, officials, the public, the media and all those in need. be here.”

A memo issued late last month by the FBI office in Minneapolis and confirmed by The Associated Press warned of credible threats this Sunday in state capitals in Minnesota and Michigan. The memo said that followers of the right-wing Boogaloo movement did reconnaissance at the Capitol in St. Paul, including exploring locations for police snipers that would need to be destroyed if a firefight broke out.

Inslee, a Democrat, activated 750 members of the National Guard. On the same day of the deadly riot in Washington, DC, a group of armed people broke down a gate outside the governor’s mansion in Olympia, Washington, and made it to the front porch and garden before being persuaded to leave by the police.

On Monday, lawmakers had to drive through an enclosed area guarded by the National Guard to park in front of the Capitol. A small group of protesters gathered in the morning, shouting that they should be left inside the building to observe lawmakers.

“It is a sad day for our country, where it is necessary to have that kind of security around the people who have been elected to represent it,” said Democratic Senator Patty Kuderer. “Unfortunately, we live in difficult times and I believe that we will go through this, but it will take a lot of time and a lot of effort.”

In Missouri, Republican Governor Mike Parson took office on Monday without incident. Concrete barriers and extra police – both typical inaugural precautions – surrounded the Capitol grounds, where less than 2,000 people gathered. Parson told reporters later that security precautions will also be taken in possible future demonstrations, although he was not specific.

Kansas City Mayor Ron Ryckman Jr., a Republican, said he was concerned about protests in state capitals planned for next weekend and called for extra security from the Kansas Highway Patrol.

“We are hopeful that things, people, will remain calm and the democratic process can continue,” said Ryckman.

Oregon state police will conduct building security training for those working at the state capitol, including journalists, on Tuesday and Wednesday.

In Michigan, where armed protesters against coronavirus restrictions entered the Capitol last year, there was little discussion when the open arms ban was passed. Michigan lawmakers are expected to return to the session on Wednesday.

Some of the anti-government extremists accused of a plot to kidnap Democratic governor Gretchen Whitmer participated in previous blockade protests. Prosecutors say the accused leader initially spoke of recruiting 200 men to break into the building, take hostages and “execute tyrants”.

Authorities are aware of recent online posts promoting state marches and will make “visible and unseen” security improvements to the Capitol in the coming weeks, said Michigan state police spokesman Shanon Banner.


Associated Press writers Jeff Amy of Atlanta; David Eggert in Lansing, Michigan; John Hanna in Topeka, Kansas; Keith Riddler, in Boise, Idaho; and Rachel La Corte in Olympia, Washington; David Pitt in Des Moines, Iowa; and Andrew Selsky in Salem, Oregon, contributed to this report.
