Stan Lee Easter Egg from WandaVision has been confirmed

WandaVision director Matt Shakman confirmed that episode 7 of the MCU sitcom contained a Stan Lee Easter egg in its opening credits. Stan Lee’s Easter egg he’ll miss, hidden in the wake of Episode 7’s title, “Breaking the Fourth Wall”, after a Fan with eagle eyes on Twitter pointed out that the birthday of the legend of the comics (12/28/22) appeared on Wanda’s plaque, glimpsed at 4:12.

“There are certainly some [Easter eggs] that people realized are important, “joked Shakman.” A certain license plate, perhaps, in an opening title recently. We have to honor Stan Lee, of course. “

Image credit: Marvel Studios / Disney +

“We were very careful with the bread crumbs we left behind, because it is a mystery and a puzzle box,” he continued. “You want to make sure that all the evidence adds up. And there are fun little Easter eggs next to it – many of which people have already found, if not all, and then analyzed. We were trying to build this story and make sure that we’re putting out all the little pieces that eventually add up to complete the puzzle. “

WandaVision: all Marvel and TV Easter eggs in each episode

Various Easter eggs and references to the Marvel story have been spread across all eight episodes of the MCU sitcom so far, with WandaVision’s second post-credits scene in episode 8, “Previously On”, showing SWORD director Tyler Hayward activating a copy of Vision, the one that looks like our favorite Synthezoid, but by a fundamental difference – it is all white.

White Vision appeared in the comics as a reconstructed version of the android character, in his white costume that dates back to a 1989 storyline called Avengers West Coast: Vision Quest. In these pages, Hank Pym tried to put Vision’s disassembled body back in place, but ended up failing to restore his artificial mind, resulting in Vision being reborn without memories or latent humanity.It remains to be seen whether White Vision will be face to face with Wanda’s Vision at the end of the Disney + series season or if he could, in fact, help bring OG Vision back to life by helping him through the Westview Hex barrier. Everything will be revealed in the ninth and final episode of WandaVision, which will arrive at Disney + on March 5, 2021 with a “satisfying and also surprising” conclusion.

Adele Ankers is a freelance entertainment journalist. You can reach it at Twitter.
