St. Johns County residents camp overnight to get the vaccine on Saturday

ST. JOHNS COUNTY, Florida. – COVID-19 vaccines are going fast in St. Johns County.

The vaccine is for health professionals and people aged 65 and over and the health department is distributing vaccines over the weekend. The municipality is now assisting the health department with distribution.

On Friday night, before 9 pm, people were already waiting in line to get the vaccine on Saturday morning.

“I decided to come today,” said Joan Tischer. “I don’t want to be the last person to die from Covid. It’s just important. “

There were several cars on the street in front of the health department on Friday night and some people even brought their trailers.

Authorities say 340 people got the vaccine in St. Johns County on Friday and those in line Friday night said they wanted to make sure they got the vaccine too.

Tischer said he arrived at 6 pm on Friday and would be the first person in line to receive the vaccine on Saturday morning.

“Waiting here is not as bad as spending a night in the ICU,” said Tischer.

Amal Soni helped her parents assemble the trailer in the queue.

“Both are over 65 years old. There are many people in the house who are at high risk. My wife has diabetes, so we wanted to make sure they were safe, ”said Soni.

Earlier in the day, long lines of cars waited outside the health department for the second day in a row. Health officials said the daily supply of COVID-19 vaccines ended in 2 ½ hours.

Licensed clinical social worker Ambria Page says she got the vaccine after waiting seven hours.

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