Square Enix bans nearly 6,000 players to trade for real money in Final Fantasy 14 • Eurogamer.net

“Players must take care to avoid any activity that violates the Terms of Service.”

Square Enix has banned more than 5,000 players for what it considers “illegal activities” in Final Fantasy 14.

In an update to the official website, the editor reminded players that “real money trading (RMT) and other illegal activities upset the balance of the game and, as such, are prohibited by the Terms of Service”.

Having allegedly “confirmed the existence of players who are involved in these illicit activities”, Square Enix closed 5037 accounts for participation in real money transactions and prohibited activities, and another 814 accounts to announce real money transactions.

The bans occurred between February 25 and March 3, 2021.

“Players who discover any confirmed cheats should, under no circumstances, exploit or disseminate such information,” says the statement (thank you, PCGN). “Instead, we ask players to file a report using the game command [System Menu] -> [Support Desk] -> [Contact Us] -> [Report Cheating].

“In addition, any RMT ad witnessed can be reported by right-clicking the character’s name in the chat log and selecting the menu [Report] -> [Report RMT Activity]. The report will be processed automatically and, if it is determined that it fits the RMT advertising, the comments of the reported character will be restricted. “

Square promises that it will “continue to take strict disciplinary action against any accounts with confirmed involvement in RMT / illegal activity” and has advised players to “avoid any activity” that it believes violates the ToS.

Square Enix recently announced the Endwalker, the next MMO expansion for Final Fantasy 14. It will be released in the fall of 2021 for PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 and Mac.
