South Carolina resumes $ 300 unemployment insurance payments

CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) – State officials are resuming the $ 300 federal pandemic unemployment compensation benefits after the stimulus bill is passed.

On Monday, South Carolina Department of Employment and Labor Force employees said they had paid more than $ 10 million overnight for the first round of eligible applicants for the $ Pandemic Federal Unemployment Compensation benefits 300.

According to DEW officials, beginning with the claim week ending January 2, 2021, claimants who are eligible to receive at least $ 1 from an unemployment program will also receive an additional $ 300 on top of the weekly benefit amount.

“This supplementary FPUC payment, made available through the recent approval of the Continuing Assistance Act for Unemployed Workers, will be provided to eligible claimants during the complaint week ended March 13, 2021,” said state officials.

The authorities say the reason the payments were implemented so quickly was because the state agency received guidance from the U.S. Department of Labor.

“We are extremely excited to start paying these important funds without interruption to continuing applicants with eligible weeks,” said DEW Executive Director Dan Ellzey. “Our agency received only the first of the guidelines from the US Department of Labor (USDOL) and there is still a lot of work to be done to study and implement these complex programs, but we are happy to start the process and support the South Carolinians during this period difficult. We will communicate with applicants to help them deal with new deadlines and expectations ”.

For more information about the program, click here.

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