South Carolina Governor Announces $ 6 Million Computer Lab Initiative

(TNS) – South Carolina will spend $ 6 million of its federal aid COVID-19 to help combat broadband deserts across the state.

SC Governor Henry McMaster has awarded the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund money to the University of South Carolina, which will partner with Benedict College to create eight free Apple computer labs across South Carolina, according to with a statement from Tuesday from the governor’s office.

“The pandemic made it very clear that access to the Internet is not a luxury, but a necessity for millions of South Carolinaians,” McMaster said in a statement. “The strategic location of these labs will strengthen South Carolina’s workforce training efforts, giving our communities and people access to the resources they need to expand participation in our state’s growing economy.”

During a press conference, McMaster said the initiative is part of a project that aims to expand broadband Internet access across the state. He said he is working with state lawmakers to secure additional funding for broadband expansion.

The locations of the computer labs were chosen so that they are close to historically black colleges and universities, facilities of the State System of Technical Colleges and local school districts that may need them. There will be a laboratory located in the BullStreet district of Columbia and another at Benedict College. These facilities will have an operating budget of US $ 2 million.

“We are pleased to be partnering with the University of South Carolina to expand access to educational technology to communities across the state,” Benedict College President Roslyn Clark Artis said in a statement. “Benedict College remains fully committed to reducing the digital divide for underserved communities in our state. This is a tremendous step in the right direction.”

Seven other labs, with operating budgets of $ 571,429 each, will be located at six of USC’s Palmetto College and regional campuses, according to the statement. All USC Palmetto College campuses chosen for the project are located less than 15 miles from a broadband desert. “As the flagship institution of the state, the University of South Carolina is committed to improving economic and workforce development initiatives across the state,” said USC President Bob Caslen in a statement. “By providing access to Apple’s coding curriculum and emphasizing creative learning, this partnership is a game changer for our state. The educational and training programs at these learning centers will give Southern Carolians relevant skills that are in high demand. in today’s economy. We are proud to partner with Governor McMaster, Apple and Benedict College on this mission, investing in underserved communities across the state. “

Laboratories are free of charge for faculty members, staff, students and community members. Availability will be announced in each community. The authorities hope to put some facilities up and running in the next 90 days. The labs will be paid for under the CARES Act, which was a coronavirus aid package approved by Congress in March 2020. Each state received money for emergency education expenditures that the governor can direct. South Carolina received $ 48 million.

Tuesday’s announcement offers McMaster another way to provide COVID-19 advisor to the state’s HBCUs, which are all private but one. McMaster initially pressed to spend $ 32 million of the funds on single scholarships of up to $ 6,500 for students attending private elementary and high schools. McMaster’s plan was rejected by the State Supreme Court. McMaster’s initial plan also allocated $ 2.4 million to private colleges, including HBCU, but that money was also frozen by the court’s decision.

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