December 21, 2020
COLUMBIA, SC – As announced on November 21, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) will not report daily COVID-19 numbers on Christmas Day or New Year’s Day. Data reported December 25 and January 1 will be available online the next day.
We encourage all South Carolina people to safely celebrate this holiday season and to remember the importance of mental and emotional health. It is important to take breaks from watching, reading or listening to news and social media and take time to unwind. DHEC and the South Carolina Department of Mental Health provide several resources to cope with the long-term stress of this public health crisis.
In addition, while DHEC will continue to provide daily COVID-19 updates on the Agency’s COVID-19 website, as of January 2, 2021, the same information provided online will no longer be reported in a duplicate press release. DHEC will publish on its social media platforms when the website was updated with new COVID-19 data for the public and media to display.
DHEC will regularly publish press releases announcing new and important information about the state’s COVID-19 response and will continue to keep South Carolinian up to date on the latest and actual information. Visit for the latest information and for the latest information specific to COVID-19 vaccines.
Latest COVID-19 update (December 21, 2020)
The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) today announced the following updates to COVID-19.
Today’s cases and deaths (
Cumulative sums (
- Confirmed and probable cases: 255 210/20 523
- Confirmed and probable deaths: 4587/375
- Tests performed for the South Carolinian: 3,342,677
Test opportunities (
- Test opportunities available nationwide: 315
Percent positive (
- 9796 new individual test results reported nationwide (excluding antibody tests)
- 21.7% positive
Plant reports
The information above as well as comprehensive reporting on county level information, demographics and more can be found at The website is up to date at 13–15 on weekdays and at 11-13 on weekends. Visit for the latest vaccine information.
Additional information and resources