South Carolina bill targets laggards on the left

A renewed effort in the South Carolina state chamber aims to further discourage the retarded people who stay on the far left lane of the highways.

The Association of Independent Drivers of Owners and Operators and the National Association of Drivers say that blocking the left lane, whether intentionally or not, results in reduced road safety and efficiency.

South Carolina law requires that any vehicle moving at less than normal traffic speed be on the right. Exceptions to the lane rule are made for situations that include preparing to turn or overtake and overtake another vehicle.

Violators face fines of up to $ 100.

More impediment for stragglers on the left

Republican representatives Jay West of Anderson, Murrell Smith Jr. of Sumter and Gary Simrill of York say the impediment is not enough to discourage behavior.

The three lawmakers filed a bill to double the fine to $ 200 and attach an improper two-point violation in the left lane.

An exception would be made for commercial driver’s license holders. Truck drivers who break the law will be fined $ 50. No points will be assessed for their driving history.

The South Carolina Department of Transportation would also be responsible for placing signs across interstates to alert travelers to the left lane law.

It is estimated that 128 signs would be installed across the state’s interstates at a cost of $ 24,000, according to a tax impact report.


The three legislators offered the same bill during the regular session of 2020. The bill did not receive a vote from the House floor.

A similar bill on the left side of the Senate, however, was passed by the chamber, but was sidelined in the Chamber when the session was suspended in March due to concerns about the pandemic.

The 2021 version, H3011, was sent to the Chamber’s Education and Public Works Committee for the regular session that meets on 12 January. LL

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