South Carolina AG supports Texas electoral process

“As Attorney General of SC, I am committed to protecting our voters against disenfranchisement, as well as ensuring electoral integrity. That is why, in 2012, I successfully defended our state’s voter identification law in federal court. Last month, my office filed a petition with nine other state attorney generals in a Pennsylvania voting process that is now pending before the United States Supreme Court. The Supreme Court will soon review the Texas State lawsuit for alleged unconstitutional acts in four states. Today, we are joining 16 other state attorney generals to file an amicus lawsuit with the Supreme Court in support of the Texas State’s allegations. Regardless of their ideological beliefs, we must all agree that free and fair elections are the cornerstone of democracy. The electoral clauses of our Constitution must be followed, and the Constitution must be a guide for fair elections to continue to take place. Our values ​​and the rule of law deserve to be defended, ” Wilson said.
