SoulCycle influencer Stacey Griffith posted a vaccine IG and hell broke loose

While hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers are waiting to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, a surprising resident got the coveted jab: a famous fitness trainer and SoulCycle instructor.

“VACCINE DAY! Step one of the Modern magic !! An hour’s drive from STATEN ISLAND is worth every minute! It takes a village, ”Stacey Griffith, a 52-year-old fitness guru who appeared in The New York Times, proudly announced in a post already deleted from Instagram.

But moments after Griffith revealed to her 64,200 followers that she was among the approximately 850,000 New York City residents who received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, she was met with a furious reaction.

“My wife is a stage 4 cancer patient who has to deal with the fear and risk of going to an immunosuppressed cancer hospital during COVID weekly to receive the treatment that keeps her alive. She is at least 2-3 months out of being eligible for a vaccine, ”commented Gabrielle Novacek, a consultant from Chicago.

“As the caregiver on whom she depends to provide support, I am at least 4-5 months away. But yes, let’s celebrate that we are making the world safe for face-to-face spinning classes amid a global pandemic. What remains of any respect I had for Soul and the leaders it celebrates is over, ”she added.

Griffith, who earns $ 800 per class, according to a recent Vox story, said in a text message that her role as an “educator” made her eligible for the coveted COVID-19 vaccination.
