Someone made a playable Nintendo Switch the size of a TV

The Nintendo Switch is already a sizeable system, but a YouTuber by the name of Michael Pick decided to make it even bigger (via Polygon) The result is a device 650% bigger than Nintendo’s portable hybrid. Pick claims it is the largest fully functional Nintendo Switch in the world. And we believe in him. It is 30 inches high and 70 inches wide, making it impossible to touch two buttons on opposite sides of each other without stretching as far as you can. Oh, and the whole thing weighs 25 pounds.


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The device you see is essentially a shell for a 4K LED TV and the system itself. The 3D-printed buttons and joysticks on the front connect to separate Joy-cons via a series of servos. When you press one of the buttons on the face of the switch, it activates the corresponding input on the relevant Joy-con. The beauty of the design is that the Pick did not have to open the controllers to make everything work. Furthermore, it is possible to remove the 3D printed media that hold them in place, so there was no need to sacrifice any components of the Switch.

At this point, you are probably wondering why Pick struggled to turn a portable system like the Nintendo Switch into something so impractical. I mean, look, he tries to play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. To open the video, Picks says his goal was to create a Switch that was “harder to lose”, but he ends the clip by donating his creation to St. Jude Children’s Hospital. I don’t know about you, but the child in me loves that idea and it’s easy to imagine it bringing a lot of joy and happiness to someone when they need it most.
