Some AirPods Max owners complain of condensation on the ear plugs

Since AirPods Max headsets were launched on December 15, there have been an increasing number of complaints from MacRumors readers who had problems with condensation.

maximum condensation of airpods

Some PAirPods Max‌ owners who use headphones for an extended period of time have noticed condensation forming inside the headset. In MacRumors ssong reader:

Therefore, I have had my AirPods at the most for just under a week and I realized that after prolonged use, there is a reasonable amount of condensation inside the headset.

it is very noticeable when you remove the magnetic pads from the headset.

Condensation appears to occur regardless of temperature, and most people reported seeing it after several hours of use, but for some it appears within an hour or two. One user claimed that condensation led to problems with Active Noise Canceling, but this was not echoed by other ‌AirPods Max‌ owners and no one else reported problems caused by condensation.

Other owners of ‌AirPods Max‌ said the same problem happened with headphones from other brands. In MacRumors JBGoode reader:

I get this on my Sony WH1000XM3. I’ve had them for a long time and it’s not a big deal. Have none of you had cans above your head before? Your ears will sweat and there will be some condensation. I think it is quite common for this type of headset.

IrAirPods Max‌ are not water resistant and those affected by condensation are concerned with the longevity of the headphones with the water droplets accumulated inside. Ear pads are unaffected and remain dry despite condensation inside the headphones.

Some proprietáriosAirPods Max‌ owners returned the headphones, while others bought AppleCare + in case of future problems. Apple has yet to comment on the matter.
