So far, China is only increasing its aggression in the Biden era

The Biden team has been talking harshly about China, but so far Beijing is more shameless than ever on all fronts, intimidating Hong Kong and Taiwan while pretending to suspect that the United States gave rise to the deadly coronavirus.

“Last night, I was on the phone for two consecutive hours with Xi Jinping,” revealed President Biden on Thursday, calling his chat with the President of China “a good conversation”. (Still waiting for a first call to the US ally, Israel.)

The White House says that Biden lodged a litany of complaints with Xi: “his fundamental concerns about Beijing’s coercive and unfair economic practices, the repression in Hong Kong, the atrocities in Xinjiang and the increasingly assertive actions in the region, including in relation to Taiwan “. They also “exchanged views on combating the COVID-19 pandemic and the common challenges of global health security, climate change and preventing the proliferation of weapons”.

Hours before the call, Biden announced a Pentagon task force to recommend responses to China’s “growing challenges”.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken and national security adviser Jake Sullivan told lawmakers that China represents “the greatest threat to long-term national security for the United States”. You think?

Beijing will do or say anything in its quest for power and influence. Last week, while a World Health Organization team announced what it had learned about COVID-19 in Wuhan (very little, since Beijing had destroyed the evidence), Chinese Foreign Ministry agent Wang Wenbin took advantage of the chance to again accuse Washington of releasing the deadly virus, calling on America to be “open and transparent” and to “invite WHO experts to the United States to conduct research and trace inspection of origin”.

This follows last month’s demand from colleague Hua Chunying for Uncle Sam to “open the biological laboratory in Fort Detrick, give more transparency to issues like his more than 200 bio-laboratories abroad” and “invite WHO experts” to the country.

The communist regime showed its own contempt for the opening last week, revoking bail for Hong Kong pro-democracy newspaper editor Jimmy Lai, who faces false accusations of “foreign collusion” under the new national security law, which may result in life imprisonment. Meanwhile, Carrie Lam, Beijing’s puppet leader in Hong Kong, confirmed that the continent now rejects dual sovereignty, so that many residents with British international passports cannot obtain British consular assistance.

Beijing is also intimidating Taiwan. Shortly after Biden took office, he spent a weekend sending dozens of fighters and bombers to Taiwanese airspace, and maintained the breaches almost daily. A Reuters analysis of satellite imagery also exposed China’s “relentless sand-dredging campaign, often invading Taiwan-controlled waters”, in an attempt to distract the island country’s defenses and ruin the livelihoods of a country’s residents. series of islands controlled by Taipei.

The communists also did not stop torturing civilians. The Biden State Department said the reported “atrocities”, such as the systematic rape of Uighur women held in Beijing’s concentration camps, “shock conscience and must have serious consequences.”

Biden’s team is saying what is right. We look forward to seeing it really bring “serious consequences” to all of Xi’s horrors.
