Snyder Cut has a cliffhanger, but WB doesn’t want part 2

Zack Snyder confirms that Snyder’s cut from the Justice League ends with a huge suspense that creates Justice League 2, but WB doesn’t want a sequel.

Zack Snyder reaffirms that Zack Snyder’s Justice League has a suspense ending, but he doesn’t expect Justice League 2 to be done. The third chapter of Snyder’s version of the DC Extended Universe is finally about to be released on HBO Max. Fans have waited years to see what Snyder planned Justice League after realizing that the film that opened in theaters in 2017 was far from what he intended. Snyder left the project earlier that year after his daughter’s death, and his departure left fans with an unsatisfactory intermediate chapter in his five-film plan that was not yet to be completed.

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Although the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement succeeded in convincing WarnerMedia to let Snyder finish his version, the director spent years revealing new details about his plans to Justice League and beyond. This included provocative characters cut from the film, different arcs for the main characters and configuration for Justice League 2. Now this Zack Snyder’s Justice League is approaching launch, many wonder how the story will end. Several fans are even hoping that the potential success of Snyder Cut will push WarnerMedia into the green light Justice League 2.

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During a virtual appearance in IGN Fan Fest, Zack Snyder discussed what the future holds for his Justice League franchise and where the next four-hour movie leaves viewers. He confirmed that Zack Snyder’s Justice League ends with “one huge cliffhanger “ that sets up the events of Justice League 2. However, Snyder also admits that he doesn’t think a sequel will happen due to the studios’ lack of interest at the moment.

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Now this Zack Snyder’s Justice League is leaving, looking at previous comments and revelations from Snyder can give fans a clue as to what the suspense ending may involve. This may even include the mind-boggling cameo that was recently released in the press. Instead of potentially spoiling how Zack Snyder’s Justice League ends, the idea of ​​a suspense ending could potentially work in Snyder’s favor. The film is guaranteed to generate a lot of press, regardless of its quality, due to the preparation for its release and Snyder’s often polarizing work. Although the internet will certainly debate the film at its launch, the end of the suspense could generate a new demand for Snyder’s DCEU to continue with Justice League 2 on HBO Max.

It is difficult to completely rule out the possibility of Justice League 2 being done, considering what Snyder Cut fans have already managed to accomplish, but it will be another difficult climb for a sequence to be made. There are logistical challenges, like getting Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa, Ezra Miller, Ray Fisher and the rest of the cast back, as well as a much bigger financial burden for HBO Max and WarnerMedia to make a complete new film work. In addition, DC Films is still trying to distance itself from SnyderVerse and has started to have some success doing so. Embracing the multiverse and different launch strategies can help, but it will take a dramatic shift in studio thinking to Zack Snyder’s Justice League not to be the end of Snyder’s story in DC.

More: How Justice League 2 is configured by Snyder Cut

Source: IGN Fan Fest

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