Snyder Cut confirmed to exist since 2019

DCEU Justice League director Snyder Cut VFX, Tamara Watts Kent, saw a full version of Zack Snyder’s original film in 2019.

The long-awaited Snyder Cut from Justice League it has been confirmed that it has existed since at least 2019. Justice League, the first DCEU film, was originally released in 2017 and received mixed reviews. The production was somewhat besieged, with Zack Snyder, the film’s original director, leaving office after a family tragedy. Joss Whedon was hired to oversee the film’s post-production, and his changes would have altered much of Snyder’s original vision for the story.

Due to these rumored changes, fans began to speculate about the so-called “Snyder cut” of Justice League. Rumors circulated that a totally different version of the film existed, fueled by reports such as the fact that complete characters, such as Darkseid and Martian Manhunter, were removed from the final version of the film. Still, despite viral support for #ReleaseTheSnyderCut and tips from Snyder himself, not much was known about this version, let alone whether it really existed. When HBO Max announced that Zack Snyder’s Justice League would be launched on the streaming platform, the Snyder Cut believers have been validated. Still, with the director conducting the remakes, it was difficult to say how much of his version actually existed before production began in 2020.

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Now, fans know that Zack Snyder’s Justice League it existed almost completely, thanks to the film’s visual effects producer, Tamara Watts Kent. In a reflection posted on Instagram, the visual effects director wrote that she first watched the legendary black and white Snyder Cut in 2019. What she saw was “over 3 hours long, full of preview effects and work in progress along with finished visual effects. “She added that”Sometimes Zack had to clarify what I was looking at, “but she was fully able to follow the story.

She went on to explain more about the process, which further clarified how much of the Snyder cut was completed and how much her team had to edit or create. This involved researching “to see if it was a previous Zack final to finish the whole picture, or an ongoing take from the past that could be unarchived and ended, or a whole new take. “In the end, she reported, the VFX team”delivered more than 2,500 shots in 7 months.

With Zack Snyder’s Justice League on their way, fans who believed in Snyder Cut all along probably don’t need that extra confirmation that their theory was correct. However, an immense amount of work has clearly been channeled to the HBO Max version of Justice League. However, it seems that this post-production work is just being built on top of the structure that Snyder had already built, therefore, true believers in Zack Snyder’s Justice League will be absolutely vindicated.

Next: Justice League: Since Zack Snyder’s part is much longer than Whedon’s

Source: Tamara Watts Kent

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