‘SNL’: weekend update addresses stimulus project, CPAC, ‘Frasier’ revival

The weekend update addressed late-night approval of Covid’s help package by the House, as well as CPAC, the Frasier revival and the new Potato Head in the last episode of Saturday Night Live.

“Like me when I’m drunk, Congress decided to spend a lot of money at 2:30 am. They passed a $ 1.9 trillion spending bill, and Republicans are calling it ‘a liberal wish list’, ”said co-anchor Colin Jost.

“I don’t know, I think a liberal wish list would be avocado toast with Chrissy Teigen, a free pet college and a hip-hop musical about Anderson Cooper starring Lin-Manuel Miranda.”

However, one of the main components of the stimulus project – a $ 15 minimum wage – did not make the cut, much to the delight of Senators Lindsey Graham and John Thune, the latter of whom boasted of earning $ 6 an hour in a restaurant like a “Garoto” 40 years old and a lot of inflation ago.

“That’s why Democrats never get things done: you keep putting it up for a vote and taking ‘no’ for an answer,” said co-anchor Michael Che. “When Republicans lose a vote, they invade the Capitol. Why can’t you be so angry? Say what you want about a guy with a viking helmet spitting at Nancy Pelosi’s table, but he won’t be ignored. “

Anchors also covered this weekend’s CPAC convention – including Ted Cruz’s self-ownership speech – as well as the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, the impact of coronavirus on life expectancy and the Frasier Rebirth. “For those of you too young to remember, Frasier it was the show that did Friends it looks black ”, joked Jost.

Weekend Update also welcomed its new favorite targets, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene – played by Cicely Strong – who this week caused another stir by hanging an anti-trans sign outside her office:

“Science teaches us that there are two genders because our bodies are made by God in a certain way, okay?” said the US representative.

“For women, it’s ‘Milk, milk, lemonade, on the corner, dulce de leche is made’. And for boys, it’s’ Big, hairy breasts, just like King Kong, crack in the ass, two balls, ding-dong. This is science. “

Greene also disagreed with the announcement of the Genderless Potato Head. “All I’m saying is that if Mr. Potato Head is allowed to marry another Mr. Potato Head, I will kill myself. Is that so crazy? “
