Snapchat permanently bans President Trump

“Last week, we announced an indefinite suspension of President Trump Snapchat (SNAP) account and has assessed which long-term actions are in the best interest of our Snapchat community, “said a Snapchat spokesman.” In the interest of public security and based on your attempts to spread misinformation, hate speech and incite violence, which are clear violations of our guidelines, we have made the decision to permanently close your account. “
Facebook prohibits content like

Social media platforms have been striving to eliminate or limit the reach of accounts and inflammatory content in the wake of the US Capitol unrest and before President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration next week, with a special focus on what to do with the accounts. linked to the president.

Last week, Facebook said it would ban Trump’s account from posting at least the rest of his term and perhaps “indefinitely.” Twitter, Trump’s favorite online megaphone, initially blocked his account for inciting what has become a violent insurrection in the United States Capitol. He would tweet twice more before Twitter determined that he finally had enough and permanently suspended his account.
YouTube said on Tuesday that it has been suspending Trump’s channel for at least a week, and potentially more, after his channel won a strike according to the platform’s policies.
