Smithsonian receives bottle of first dose of Covid-19 vaccine administered in the USA

Northwell Health, which administered the vaccine, donated the vial of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine from the nurse at the intensive care unit Sandra Lindsay.

He also donated his vaccination card, his uniform and his hospital identification badge. Lindsay is the first person known to receive the vaccine after it was authorized by the United States Food and Drug Administration in December.

Along with the Lindsay vaccine vial, the Smithsonian received vials of other vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna. He also received syringes, diluents and vaccination forms related to the administration process.

Northwell also presented the Smithsonian artifacts involved in the process of sending vaccines and objects that helped to maintain and monitor their temperature.

“December 14 was a historic moment for everyone: the day the first COVID-19 vaccine was administered in the United States,” said Michael Dowling, president and CEO of Northwell Health, according to a Smithsonian press release.

The top scrubs and team identification badge belonging to Sandra Lindsay, an ICU nurse at Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New York City.

“It was our first real sign of hope after so many dark months in the fight against the global pandemic. … But when Sandra Lindsay rolled up her sleeves, we were not just showing our team members the safety and efficacy of this innovative vaccine – we were saying to the world that our country was starting a new fight back to normality. It was an extraordinary moment and I thank the Smithsonian for preserving this important milestone “, said Dowling.

The museum formed a task force in April 2020 with the aim of narrating events from last year, as well as documenting the effects the pandemic had on business, work, politics and culture, says the Smithsonian statement. Earlier this month, Dr. Anthony Fauci donated his personal 3D model to the museum that he used to bring to meetings and press conferences to help explain the coronavirus.
See where to find information about vaccines in your state

“The urgent need for effective vaccines in the United States has been met with unprecedented speed and emergency review and approval,” said Anthea M. Hartig, museum director, Elizabeth MacMillan, according to the Smithsonian statement.

“These artifacts, now historic, document not only this remarkable scientific progress, but represent the hope offered to millions who live during the cascading crises caused by COVID-19.”

The Smithsonian created a digital portal for the public to give suggestions on what to include in the collection and share their own pandemic stories. It is open until April.
