SLO County Agency to Reconsider Polystyrene Decree

Companies and restaurants in Atascadero, Paso Robles and unincorporated areas of San Luis Obispo County can use polystyrene products for a little longer.

The San Luis Obispo Integrated Waste Management Authority is ready to take a fresh look at what’s next for the material also known as Styrofoam.

Rock & Roll Diner in Oceano says that when the COVID-19 for travel was the only option, they exchanged the paper travel containers for Styrofoam.

“With the substantial cut in our revenue, it helped to have the opportunity to use the Styrofoam again,” said owner Marios Pouyioukkas. “It was mostly a survival skill.”

The IWMA originally approved a ban in 2019, but delayed its implementation in April 2020 due to the pandemic.

The council decided to follow state mandates and, on March 10, voted 7 to 6 to postpone the ban until a public hearing in April.

But next month, a final decision will be made to determine whether the material will stay or go to restaurants, grocery stores and even catering companies.

Five Central Coast cities already have the ban in place.

“Sure, if we could do that across the county for all the shipping containers, that’s fine, but I also recognize that we didn’t get the votes,” said Dawn Ortiz-Legg, IWMA’s Board of Directors and County 3 District Supervisor. by Luis Obispo.

In addition to being cost-effective in difficult times, the owner of the Rock & Roll Diner says he prevents food from sinking into paper products.

“The cost of Styrofoam is approximately one third of paper products,” said Pouyioukkas.

He says that switching to paper could mean an increase in the price of food.

“The more things cost us, the more we have to pass on to our customers and that is just the basic rule for me, not just me, but also most business owners in our area,” explained Pouyioukkas.

Those opposed to the use of containers are concerned with environmental impacts. Polystyrene is not biodegradable.

“It is caught and then explodes easily and that is what enters the watercourses,” said Ortiz-Legg.

Rock & Roll Diner says they will likely switch to the role in the coming months, as at their other location, Pismo Coast Village Grill, which already requires it.

“I think that in coastal communities, in particular, it would be a welcome start, as we hope the legislature does more with regard to our recycling situation here in California,” said Ortiz-Legg.

The public hearing is scheduled for April 14.

If the ban goes into effect, businesspeople could face fines for violations.

The ban on polystyrene in other cities is still in effect.
