Skillibeng shares “Coca” visuals on a wrecked plane, fans say he needs ‘quality control’ – DancehallMag

EastSyde Records signer Skillibeng continues to innovate in more law-breaking narratives in its tracks. Your last release, Coke while self-explanatory it is not as enlightening as your new music video.

Directed by Beans Edital, the visual, which is now at the top of the trend in Jamaica, fell yesterday on the Vevo artist’s page to find Skilli in another of his fun plots. This time, involving the suspected plane crash in Clarendon, Jamaica, just over a week ago.

According to Skilli, he participated in the entire operation, which resulted in the emergency landing of the plane off the coast of Rocky Point, in the parish. Skillibeng uses a clip from Prime Time News coverage for the introduction of the track, while investigations continue on what actually happened.

Presented with skits from the 1999 Jamaican police action film, Third World Police Officer, Skilli reveals: “The plane crashed with coca… the pilot crashed with coca. I’m happy if the plane lands and explodes. ”With his weapons loaded and ammunition stacked, he and his” aliens “retrieve the aircraft’s merchandise and set out to” step on the road. “

The New Prince says he is not a user, but is concerned with the business, “Mi nuh put this on my nose. I sell, selling as if I had a store … 1 million plus income tax the key. Tell a mouse, don’t come up with cheese, have fun and go catch it, bear shot tek yuh, bear crocodile tooth. “

The video clip shows every scene in Skilli’s scheme, from the jet of weather-worn fishing boats heading to the crash site at sea to the DJ sitting inside and occasionally on top of the half-sunken aircraft while talking about his lyrical storyline.

However, Skillibeng is getting some mixed reactions from fans.

“How Skillibeng records a video with the plane that is under investigation”? said a Twitter user. Another said, “Hey, tell Commissioner Seh” the plane crashed with cocaine “and someone else added,” Police, take a look at Skillibeng-Coca. “

While some liked it, Skilli’s new release others did not feel the effort imported, referring to the track as weak, “If skillibeng next 3 song flop ended because the coca plane never hit lmao,” said one follower, and another agreed , “Skillibeng must have thought he got so far that he got Midas’ touch. He’s wrong. Sorry to say, but I think it’s Coke, bro.”

Skillibeng needs a little bit of quality control, ”said another fan.

Check it out for yourselves – Produced by EastSyde Records, watch Skillibeng in her new music video for Coke above.
