‘Silent Hill’ designer Keiichiro Toyama announces new horror title in 2023

Former PlayStation developer Keiichiro Toyama, who happened to create Mermaid and a little game called silent Hill, announced that its new project will be a horror action and adventure game, scheduled for release in 2023. Toyama broke the news to IGN Japan, which in turn passed on the details to the North American subsidiary.

Toyama’s Bokeh Game Studio was founded on August 13 and, speaking to IGN Japan, he said the next title “will please fans of my previous work”. Toyama explained that the game will include “battles and story elements” in the kind of immersive worlds that resemble his previous work with Konami. “At the very least, this will be a more horror-oriented game. But let’s focus on making this a broader entertainment experience, rather than a hardcore horror game. “

Despite being a Sony developer for the past two decades, Toyama said his new project will be a cross-platform launch. “We are developing with the PC as the main platform, but we hope to launch the game on as many console platforms as possible.”

As you can imagine, the project is still in its early stages, but Toyama has put together a “quite large” team to develop the game. “We are just entering the development of the prototype, and the development is likely to take almost three years. Therefore, we hope to put this game in your hands in about three years from now. “

That said, Bokeh co-founder and producer Kazunobu Sato (who also worked on Mermaid) and business development manager Yohei Hart stated that the studio newly launched Twitter account and the Facebook account will show signs of progress as the studio continues to develop the title.
