Signs that you should avoid the ketone diet, according to a doctor

  • The low-carb, high-fat ketone diet has become popular for weight loss.
  • Keto may be useful for improving metabolic health, but it is not for everyone.
  • Avoid low-carb diets if you are stressed, looking for a quick fix or if you have a history of eating disorders.
  • Visit the Insider home page for more stories.

Keto diets have soared in popularity in recent years, as people have turned to high-fat, low-carb eating plans to lose weight and improve health.

There is evidence to support the

keto diet
as a tool for certain people to improve their health, but not for everyone, according to Dr. Mark Cucuzzella, a professor at the University of West Virginia School of Medicine who published research on low-carb diets.

Here are six reasons why you might want to think twice before starting or continuing a low-carb diet.

You are already metabolically healthy

About 88% of Americans currently deal with some level of metabolic dysfunction, according to research. This includes people with obesity, but also insulin resistance, pre-diabetes or type 2

, which can happen regardless of weight.

If you are among the minority of people with a healthy metabolism and a good response to insulin, you don’t have to worry about your carbohydrate intake. Good metabolic health means that you don’t struggle with any combination of problems like blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, weight or low energy.

“Just eat real food, whether it’s low in carbohydrates or high in carbohydrates, and you’ll be fine,” said Cucuzzella.

You want to lose weight for aesthetic or short-term reasons

Low-carb diets can lead to weight loss, research shows, as they help control appetite and reduce added calorie sources such as sugar and refined grains.

But the keto’s main benefit is restoring metabolic health, improving insulin response and reducing inflammation, according to Cucuzzella.

“It’s not about losing weight, it’s about losing waist,” he said. “We want people to maintain muscle and lose visceral fat around the organs that cause inflammation. Losing inches of waist means that you are using fat as a fuel successfully.”

And while weight loss diets work by restricting calories, Cucuzzella said it could backfire if you’re practicing keto for the first time, making the transition to burning fat for fuel more difficult if you’re not eating enough.

Finally, a significant part of the rapid weight loss that people experience on short-term ketone diets is water, and those pounds will return quickly as soon as you reintroduce carbohydrates into your diet.

You have a history of disordered eating

Low-carbohydrate diets can also be problematic if you have a difficult relationship with food, including current or past disordered eating habits.

This includes feelings of anxiety to gain weight and a compulsive need to monitor or limit food, but also binge eating, emotional eating or addictive behavior towards certain foods.

Any diet that restricts what you can and cannot eat can be extremely triggering for anyone with these problems, as well as other forms of disordered eating, which can be risky if left untreated, according to experts.

If this is you, it is always best to seek professional support before considering a new diet.

You are under constant stress, sleeping badly or dealing with major changes in your life

It can be tempting to make a dramatic change during a difficult time. But if you can’t manage your stress these days, aren’t getting enough sleep or have recently had an unpleasant event in life, it’s the worst time to change your diet, said Cucuzzella.

All of these factors increase the production of cortisol, the stress hormone, of which an excessive amount can make it difficult to get the most out of a low-carb diet.

It is also better to be in the mentally and emotionally suitable state for a major change in diet, so that you can plan ahead and have a lot of support along the way.

“If you don’t have the energy and time to prepare for success, you won’t be successful,” said Cucuzzella.

Do you feel lack of energy, bad mood or other symptoms for more than a week

People on low-carbohydrate diets often go through a transition period when they may feel exceptionally tired or groggy, sometimes known as ketone flu.

Cucuzela said it is normal to feel a little unwell while your body adapts to burning fat. However, you should start to feel more energized in four to seven days.

If you don’t, it could be a sign that you have more significant metabolic problems that will take longer to resolve, or that something is just not right.

Either way, continued fatigue on a low-carb diet is a sign that you should take a step back and reconsider, preferably with professional help.

Are you taking medicine

Finally, while there is increasing research that low-carb diets can help to solve chronic health problems like diabetes, it is important to consult a specialist before trying one, if you are already taking any medications.

That’s because major changes in your diet can potentially alter the way your body responds to medication, said Cucuzzella.

“You need to find a doctor who is very knowledgeable in metabolic health and will work with you to reverse the problem, not just treat you with more medications,” said Cucuzzella.
