Si Spurrier and Bob Quinn release Nightcrawler Comic, Way Of X

We took the lead that something was coming from Marvel Comics. Si Spurrier was writing a new title for the X-Men. But it is not Legion; is Nightcrawler in the new series X way. Designed by Bob Quinn. Part of the Kingdom of X. Pronounced form of ten?

Si Spurrier and Bob Quinn release Nightcrawler Comic, Way Of X

A recent writer in Hell Blazer, until it was from his mother’s womb prematurely ripped, and a former collaborator of Bleeding Cool, Si Spurrier is known by X-Men fans for his work in the legacy of the X-Men – which spawned the TV series Legion – and X -Force. And now Path of X.

Si Spurrier and Bob Quinn release Nightcrawler Comic, Way Of X

The mutant species has built a new Eden … but there are snakes in this garden. Some mutants struggle to fit in. Some mutants turn to violence and death. And the children whisper about the Patchwork Man, singing in their hearts … Only a mutant feels the growing shadows. Arrested for matters of death, law and love, only Nightcrawler can fight for Krakoa’s soul. Only he – and the curious team he assembles (including fan favorites, Dr. Nemesis, Pixie and Blink) – can help mutants defeat their inner darkness and find a new way to live. This is the PATH OF X.

Si Spurrier and Bob Quinn release Nightcrawler Comic, Way Of X

“I should probably just tell a lie for the sake of elevator pitch and say that Way of X is a story about creating a new mutant religion. But it isn’t – not really. It’s kind of where it starts, for sure. Nightcrawler realizes something is wrong with the hearts and minds of the mutants and sets out to fix it. But as he quickly finds out, this is not a job for priests and prayers … The question is, what do they need to become to fight it “Preachers? Police? Executioners? Or something entirely new? Path of X is a tale intelligent and psychedelic about faith, science, culture, love and law. And Bamfing. Bamfing just for joy. “

Si Spurrier and Bob Quinn release Nightcrawler Comic, Way Of X

Bob Quinn adds;

“I’m incredibly excited that Marvel has given me the opportunity to launch a new X-Men series with Si. Nightcrawler is one of my favorite X-Men, and it along with the recent developments in the X-Men universe really gives us the opportunity to explore some wild concepts and ideas. Bringing them to life is truly a dream come true. Si is a great storyteller and this story gives X-Men fans something they’ve never seen before. “

Way of X will be published in April, probably.

X WAY # 1

Written by SI SPURRIER



About Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The oldest digital news reporter in the world since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. He lives in southwest London, works at Blacks on Dean Street, stores at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.

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