Shepard Fairey opens new show in Dubai

Written by Ashleigh Stewart, CNNDubai

To an artist as well known for his politically charged works as Shepard Fairey, conservative UAE may seem like an unlikely place for a new exhibition in a gallery.

Still, the country’s brightest city, Dubai, is precisely where the contemporary American artist – best known for Obama’s iconic “Hope” poster – is marking his first foray into the Middle East.

Fairey’s first exhibition in the region, “Future Mosaic”, will open on March 15 at the Opera Gallery in Dubai, and features 150 works – both newer pieces and iconic images and motifs of the artist’s greatest work.

To mark the occasion, the artist also painted a mural at D3, Dubai’s design district.

The mural – which gave CNN an exclusive first look – consists of two large walls facing each other. One side shows camellia flowers and a dove, and on the opposite wall there is an intricate pattern of fingers gesturing a peace sign and a fist holding a brush with a flower growing out of it.

For those who admit to having little knowledge about the city, or the region, Fairey took the opportunity to visit Dubai.

“As soon as I heard they had a gallery here, I said it was there that I wanted to do it. I am not an authority on Arab or Islam culture, but I have an open mind and I am here to learn,” he said in an interview at the gallery.

Shepard Fairey painting her first mural in the Middle East in the Dubai Design District.

Shepard Fairey painting her first mural in the Middle East in Dubai’s Design District. Credit: Jon Furlong

Wearing a face mask, he passes visitors who watch a preview of the exhibition, praising his work without knowing that the artist is behind them.

“In the United States, there are many misconceptions about Middle Eastern culture. And it is obviously not monolithic – it is much more western here (in Dubai) than elsewhere. But I always want to feel like I’m learning and growing and I’m talking about things from a place of experience as much as possible. “

At first glance, collaboration may seem unlikely. Fairey is a skateboarder turned street artist who conquered the subculture with his “Andre the Giant Has a Posse” sticker campaign in 1989. In 2008, he achieved international fame when his “Hope” poster by then-presidential candidate Barack Obama it became the defining symbol of a skillful electoral campaign. He is an activist and vocal critic of Donald Trump, and his murals and artworks are not known to shy away from comments on human rights abuses, climate change and women’s empowerment.

“I practically put on this show everything I would put on any show,” he said, when asked if his works were censored for the exhibition. “I asked ‘what about my criticisms of the oil industry?’ And they said that this is not the main revenue generator for the United Arab Emirates. And I don’t do anything explicitly sexual. “

However, the first mural concept, to be located in another part of the city, was discarded, as it was very difficult to cross the line. The play, “Lotus Angel”, shows a woman holding a flower.

“She is a female figure and it is not easy to get approval for this in a public space here,” she explained.

Thus, a new location – district D3 – and a new design (seen above) were chosen. It is next to a number of popular restaurants and offices.

This idea of ​​tolerance and cultural acceptance is important to Fairey.

“The fist is a symbol of strength and empowerment, the brush is for art and the flower is something positive that grows and blooms. It doesn’t matter if you speak English, Arabic, German, Chinese, you can understand that image, ”he added.

“Peace and harmony … are easy for anyone to understand and it is difficult to find fault with those ideas. It says nothing about religion, gender or nationality, so these are ideas that I can take anywhere.”

That is why, when his show in Dubai was announced and he remembers being “attacked” on social media, he was not influenced.

“The United States is far from perfect when it comes to people’s rights. I will not be intimidated by hypocrisy. I will export my philosophy wherever I go. This place will not shape me, I am going to share my ideas and I hope they are well received and if they are not, it will still be me. “

Furthermore, Fairey admits that self-censorship often comes into play when he is considering the message he is trying to send with any work of art.

“I am trying to make sure that I am not pushing people unintentionally before they have a chance to consider what I am saying about my work.”

Rise above the fingers of peace.

“Rise Above Peace Fingers”, by Shepard Fairey. Credit: Furlong

As far as U.S. policy is concerned, he is “more hopeful” for a functioning democracy under a new president at the helm, although he warns that there are lingering feelings from the Trump administration that need to be addressed.

“What really concerns me now is the way in which many very immoral and manipulative people have decided that blatant lies and misinformation are a tactic that will get them on their way and will not give them any political responsibility,” he said.

“There are pustules on the surface of the skin – Trump has burst, but the bacteria is still there.”

But Fairey adds that it has been “so far, Biden is fine”.

Climb above the dove.

“Rise Above Dove”, by Shepard Fairey. Credit: Furlong

“I am very impressed with the way Biden is trying to get there, but that does not mean that he is going to achieve these things.”

The artist now considers himself a “citizen of the world” and an “artist of the people”. He is looking forward to spending more time abroad, learning about other cultures and incorporating this into his work.

It seems fitting that a large piece depicting a woman in a hijab is positioned near the door to her exhibition. Otherwise, the rest of the art has “universal” themes – with figures from pop culture and emblems of peace.

But this is not a symbolic piece to show that he “understands” Islam, he says, but an older piece that “makes sense” for his first show in the Middle East.

“In the United States, there is so much Islamophobia that people freak out when you’re trying to introduce a Muslim.

“Cultural prejudices hinder everyone’s vision with equal dignity. Whenever I can, I’m trying to break down barriers. It’s a handshake from afar. I’m open-minded and I’m here to learn.”
