She rowed across the Atlantic, joining a new wave of extreme endurance athletes

Atlantic Campaigns has been pushing to expand the race beyond its British roots, which has been crucial to the sport’s growing inclusion. But having women like Savage and McClure destroying the image of the traditional explorer was what mattered most. “There was a time, not long ago, when making an Ironman was considered crazy,” said McClure. “It is what we consider possible that changes”.

The Atlantic Challenge is also beginning, albeit slowly, to reflect the racial diversity you would expect from a race organization whose team of 21 represents 10 nationalities and an endurance event that covers an eighth of the world.

At the 2019 event, Antiguans Christal Clashing, Kevinia Francis, Elvira Bell and Samara Emmanuel became the first black team – male or female – to complete the race. To date, the Atlantic Challenge has had seven black competitors, including women from Antigua.

“Being able to take a journey like this has allowed us to write our own story, to take control of the narrative that blacks don’t swim, they don’t do that kind of activity,” said Clashing. “In the end, we were able to say, ‘Yes, there was a cultural trauma for us across the Atlantic Ocean, but we are not allowing it to dictate what we do anymore.’”

This year’s race included athletes from Spain and South Africa, Antigua and Uruguay, the United States and Britain, among others. At a time when many sporting events were drastically altered or suspended, the race – one of the most socially distant in the world – has managed to move forward.

As Harrison approached his final weeks of travel, the weather remained calm and the water’s surface wavered in “the brightest turquoise you’ve ever seen,” she said via satellite phone on February 12. her for hours. A blue whale rolled beside it, the white edge, like a molar, of its fin almost hitting its paddle.
