She felt a draft in her New York apartment. Discovering the source would shake it deeply

There are all kinds of mysteries hovering around New York when you start looking around: scary jingles from Mister Softee, ads from Keano’s spiritual advisor, G train portals, old Travel subway ads, an underground house, relentless smells of maple syrup and silver space cars, to name just a few we’ve covered in the past. But these are all things that exist in public spaces in the city – what happens when you find a true New York mystery inside your own apartment?

This is a situation that TikTok user Samantha Hartsoe encountered recently when she tried to find out why she was still feeling the cold air blowing in her bathroom. She quickly realized that the air is coming from behind the bathroom mirror and started a very attractive series of four TikTok videos.


In the second video, she found a hole behind the bathroom mirror leading to another room, which she compared to the secret room in the movie Parasite. In the third video, she decided to go through the hole and explore this other room with a hammer in her hand. And in the final video, she discovered trash bags full of things and a bottle of Core drinking water inside the area, along with what appeared to be a bunch of broken plywood and a bathroom.

“She came out alive,” she declared at the end, after leaving the mirror. “My landlord is going to get a really fun phone call tomorrow.”

We contacted Hartsoe to see what her landlord told her about the extra room inside the bathroom mirror, but assuming that this building was not created by a Being John Malkovich there seems to be a logical explanation for this: as a person wrote on Twitter, “This is a renovated project. Maintenance personnel used to not want to stay in the hall if the tenant was not there, so they had to go through the bathroom mirror. Candyman was inspired by a guy in Chicago who was getting into this and sexually abusing women. “

An article in the Chicago Reader of 1987 reported the tendency for intruders to break into apartments through medicine cabinets in the buildings of the Chicago Housing Authority project. They wrote that suspects who would “occupy a pair of adjacent empty apartments now tend to turn them on by dismantling medicine cabinets, providing an escape route should security or police enter one of the apartments”.
