Seven new COVID-19 symptoms that are different from the classics

Although people are already aware of the most common symptoms of COVID-19, experts suggest a broader analysis of the spectrum of diseases caused by the deadly disease. The limited focus only on classic symptoms presents a great risk of spreading and more danger to the health of the most vulnerable. That said, local health officials in Warrington, Cheshire, UK, have listed a set of seven new symptoms of COVID.

– Sore throat

– Muscle pain and joint pain

– diarrhea

– Conjunctivitis

– Headache

– Rash

– Discoloration of fingers or toes

According to Thara Raj, director of public health in Warrington, “there have been several cases where a person who tested positive for coronavirus in Warrington had very mild symptoms, or symptoms different from the three classics.”

“These people, who took the test as soon as they started feeling bad, helped us to stop the virus from spreading in Warrington,” he added.
