Scotland to enter another effective national blockade

(Reuters) – Scotland will enter another effective national block on Monday, probably until spring, the Times reported.

Scottish government leader Nicola Sturgeon said earlier that his office would meet on Monday to discuss possible additional measures to limit the spread of the virus, and ordered the Scottish parliament to be repealed.

It is expected that the reopening of schools will be postponed beyond January 18, reported the newspaper

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Sunday that tougher blocking restrictions are likely on the way, as COVID-19 cases continue to rise.

Johnson sets the policy for England, with rules in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales defined by his delegated authorities.

Cases of COVID-19 in Britain are at record levels and the increase in numbers is fueled by a new and more communicable variant of the virus.

Britain reported 54,990 new cases of the virus on Sunday and recorded more than 75,000 deaths from the pandemic.

(Reporting by Kanishka Singh in Bengaluru; Editing by Tom Hogue and Kenneth Maxwell)
