SC to conduct order review in February in person as COVID-19 cases increase | News

The winter order examination will continue as scheduled from February 23 to 24, announced the SC Judiciary, with candidates required to appear in person.

Authorities said they would adopt security measures similar to those used in July, but did not detail the precautions. They are also considering stricter requirements, such as candidates having to get tested for coronavirus just before the exam, but have not said when they will be finalized.

“The Federal Supreme Court will continue to assess the COVID-19 pandemic, including state and federal guidelines and guidelines, to determine whether this examination can be carried out safely, and will impose appropriate measures to mitigate the risks,” said the Judiciary in a fifth. press release.

Candidates who have registered for the exam, but do not wish to take it personally, can register for the July exam without paying an additional registration fee if they decide to do so by January 29.

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But that would mean postponing a full year for all law graduates who signed up for the July 2020 certification test, but postponed for security reasons or did not pass the exam.

The summer test, which traditionally has the highest number of test takers, began on July 28, when the state averaged just over 1,500 new cases of COVID-19 a day. Some expected cases to drop and assistants to feel more comfortable in a personal test with fewer people. Instead, the cases more than doubled.

More than 150 candidates and lawyers filed a petition in court in July to consider granting a diploma privilege, which would allow them to begin doing some legal work with guidance from their education and employers. They were rejected, however, as were assistants in most states.

The USC will not punish the new dean of the law school who sends out mass e-mails with exam scores from the order

Talk to Sara Coello at 843-937-5705 and follow her on Twitter @smlcoello.
