Sanders and Graham confront Neera Tanden with concerns about ‘violent attacks’ against progressive GOP

Neera Tanden, chosen by President Biden as director of the Office of Management and Budget, was immediately confronted by concerns about her nomination by both parties when she appeared on the Senate Budget Committee on Wednesday.

Leaders on both sides of the political spectrum appealed to Tanden for personal attacks and statements she made on social media. In addition, the committee chairman, Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., Said he was concerned about the millions of dollars that the Center for American Progress, which Tanden used to manage, received from large corporations and special interest groups.

“So, before voting on your nomination, it is important for me and the members of this committee to know that these donations you have made in CAP will not influence your decision making at OMB,” said Sanders in his opening speech.


Senator Lindsey Graham, RS.C., a member of the ranking, said he does not care about the origin of the CAP money, but is concerned about some of Tanden’s earlier statements.

“You have been a very partisan figure, you have been a very tough figure when it comes to political speech, and that is also OK. But calling Mitch McConnell ‘Moscow Mitch’ is probably not a very good thing to say.”

Graham also quoted Tanden as saying that “the GOP’s capacity for evil knows no limits.”

The Republican Party leader then noted that “Tanden’s contempt was not limited to Republicans”, referring to a tweet in which she said, “Russia has done a lot more to help Bernie than DNC’s random internal emails did to help Hillary.”


“What I am trying to show here,” said Graham, “is that in a time of union we are choosing someone who gives sharp elbows and that will have a consequence.”

Tanden addressed his earlier comments in his opening statement, saying that in recent years “it has been part of my role to be a passionate advocate”. She said she regretted her past language and “expressed her regret to Senator Sanders and other members of this committee.”

Sanders then asked Tanden directly about his earlier statements to start the question and answer part of the audience.

A split image of Neera Tanden, nominated by President Joe Biden as Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, during a Capitol hearing on Wednesday, February .  10, 2021. (AP Photo / Andrew Harnik, Pool)

A split image of Neera Tanden, nominated by President Joe Biden as Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, during a Capitol hearing on Wednesday, February . 10, 2021. (AP Photo / Andrew Harnik, Pool)
((AP Photo / Andrew Harnik, Pool))

“I think most of us understand that it is important to debate the issues and try to minimize the level of personal and cruel attacks that appear to be prevalent across the country today,” said Sanders before mentioning that he had received a letter from Republicans expressing their concern about previous attacks by Tanden.

“But it is clear that his attacks were not just against Republicans,” said Sanders. “There have been cruel attacks on progressives, people I have worked with, me personally. So when I came to this committee to take on a very important role in the United States government, at a time when we need serious work on serious issues and not personal attacks on anyone, whether on the left or the right, can you give some thought to some of the personal decisions and statements you have made in recent years? “

Tanden said she now recognizes the damage that her statements have caused and that she feels “bad” about it.

“And I really regret it and I recognize that it is very important for me to demonstrate that I can work with others and I look forward to taking on that burden and I apologize to the people on the left or the right who were hurt by what I said,” she added .

Sanders said the question is not whether people were hurt by Tanden’s words, but the words themselves.

“It is not a question of getting hurt, we are all big boys,” said Sanders. “But it is important that we carry out the attacks expressing our differences in policies, that we do not need to make personal attacks, no matter what opinions someone may have. Therefore, we can assume that, as OMB director, we will see a different approach if you are nominated than you are. adopted at CAP? “

“Absolutely,” said Tanden.

Sanders went on once against bringing in the millions of dollars that CAP received from large corporations under Tanden’s leadership, representing “some of the most powerful special interests in our country”. He said that since 2014 the group has received $ 5.5 million from Walmart, $ 1.4 million from Google, $ 900,000 from Bank of America, $ 800,000 from Facebook and $ 550,000 from Amazon.

Tanden assured Sanders that these donations “will have zero impact on my decision making” and that she will act on behalf of “the interests of the American people”.

Wednesday’s hearing was Tanden’s second on consecutive days. On Tuesday, she appeared on the Senate Committee on Government Affairs and Homeland Security, where she was also confronted with her earlier statements.

The first Republican on the Senate Homeland Security Committee to question Tanden, Senator Rob Portman, R-Ohio, immediately mentioned Tanden’s posts, many of which he deleted last year.

“I believe that the tone, the content and the aggressive partisanship of some of his public statements contributed to the worrying trend of more incivility and division in our public life and, in your case, I am concerned about your personal attacks on specific senators will make it more difficult for you to work with, “said Portman.


Portman then cited several examples of Tanden’s statements, including her calling Senator Susan Collins, R-Maine, “the worst” and Senator Tom Cotton, R-Ark., A “fraud”, saying “vampires have more heart than Ted Cruz, “and referring to the then Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., as” Moscow Mitch “and” Voldemort “, referring to the Harry Potter villain.

“I recognize the concern,” replied Tanden. “I deeply regret and apologize for my language – part of my previous language. I recognize that this function is bipartisan and I know that I need to win the confidence of senators across the board. I will work very aggressively to address this concern.”
